
Labrador Retriever Mix | Female | 1 Year Old | 54 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs, cats and kids! ✔️ Enjoys other dogs in the house! ✔️ Crate trained!

✔️ Good in the car! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Loves a fenced yard!


Officially adopted on October 20, 2020!


It was a week of firsts for Piper! She experienced a lot of new things and did amazing. Last week, she met her first toddler and was more interested in the toddler than any other human she’s met. The toddler was very calm, but it was surprising to see how many times Piper went up for a sniff. Next, she rode in the car outside of the crate for the first time. Previously, to transport her we would crate her since she was so scared to get in the car. With a little encouragement, she allowed us to lift her into the back seat. She easily jumps out on her own though. Perhaps, Piper didn’t mind the car experience too much because it transported her to her first adventure! We took her on a hike in a prairie with the other dogs. There were lots of smells – deer, rabbit, everything you can think of and Piper loved them all. She loved it so much that she left her leash skills back in our neighborhood where she is doing well with leash training. When there are lots of interesting stimuli, Piper will still pull because she is just so darn excited.  Finally, an experience she was neutral on, but was a positive for us – she got her first bath! We were wiping her down with pet wipes before, but thought it was time for the real deal. Surprisingly, she was easier to bathe than our resident pup and other foster who are very squirmy. Her beautiful coat is so soft and silky now. Piper continues to progress each week and we love watching her conquer her fears. Looking back at her first few pupdates, she is just a completely different dog that has come so far and deserves nothing but the best in her future.


Piper is making amazing progress on the leash! At first, she was difficult to control and required two leashes. She would try to run around in circles since she was so excited. Now, look at her  enjoying the beautiful day (video above) . With the help of an easy walk harness, Piper is so much better at walking next to her foster father. Squirrels and rabbits are still a big distraction, but it's much easier to get her attention back to the walk. Overall, we're very surprised at how quickly this smart girl's leash skills are coming along. 


Piper went on her first vacation! Last weekend, her foster parents went out of town and Piper got to go visit her sister, another pup, two cats, and two dog-savvy kids. She did well with all, including the cats, who she mostly ignored. She wasn’t a fan of the car rides to and from, but she transitioned home pretty smoothly and she’s back to being the big goof that she is.

Even more exciting news – Piper is walking on a leash twice a day around our neighborhood. Well, she’s actually walking on two leashes as we like to double leash our quirky dogs to prevent any great escapes. Her tail has been up and wagging for most of the walk and she seems to enjoy it (except when loud cars or trucks pass by). We’re focusing right now on her being comfortable on the leash and outside the house, but next up will be working to maintain a loose leash! The scary part before was going in and out the front door and she is doing better with that. While she is making progress in exploring the neighborhood, she would still live her best life in a home with a fenced in yard.

Piper continues to be her foster father’s shadow. She follows him around 90% of the time which is just so different than even a month ago. If he is on the couch, she’s either on the couch with him or nearby. Her favorite activity is to watch him work. She’s even peeks up at him when he’s sleeping on the bed to match sure he’s safe at night before she settles into her crate. While Piper is still a pretty quirky lab, she will make a great companion for the right owner.

Pupdate 1

Meet Piper, a sweet yellow lab that has come a long way from her rough beginnings. When Piper came to us, she was very shut down. Her crate was her safe place and she preferred not to leave it. She wasn’t socialized with humans for the first year of her life, so everything was new. She has already come so far since we got her, and continues to progress. She’s warmed up to her foster father the quickest as he feeds her most of the time and sits patiently by her crate feeding her treats. Now that she ventures out of her crate more, she loves to sit on the couch with her foster father while he enjoys his morning coffee and she enjoys some morning pets.

Her days consist of going in the back yard and chasing sticks, balls, and just lying in the sun after she’s had some exercise. Often, she’ll grab a toy (or something she shouldn’t if she’s in a naughty mood) and hop around like the happiest dog.  We’ve recently found that she loves playing with the sprinkler and running through water from the hose. She’s really turned into a big goof.

Piper is great around other dogs. Unfortunately, our resident can be a bump on a log, but she’s loved our other foster dogs. Her play also is very adaptable – she knew to be gentle with a 10-lb Pekinese, but played a little more rough with a big bulldog. Her progress will only get better if she has another playful pup in her forever home.

Overall, it will take some time, but Piper has the potential to be amazing yellow lab even with her rough past. Likely, getting her to be a normal dog will be a labor of love, but she is worth the effort as she is such a sweet girl.



