
Poodle/Maltese Mix | male | 11 months Old | 10 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Working on leash manners!


Officially adopted May 22, 2021!

Phil is an adorable, goofy and loving little guy. He currently sleeps in a dog bed in my room and wakes up around 7am, ready to go potty outside. He is very good at asking to go out and has not had any accidents in the house. He likes to spend the day doing a mix of fun things: playing with small stuffed toys (sometimes he even carries these outside to potty!), sniffing absolutely everything, chewing on sticks and bones, playing chase, and napping in his dog bed. His favorite thing once you build trust is a good long belly rub. He will even roll over and look up at you for one!

He was very skittish initially and took some time to warm up. Phil did not want to be touched at first and still does not like sudden movements, to be picked up or carried around. He does like to follow me around the house, but early on when I turned around to look at him, he would run in the opposite direction! After about a week, he will come to ask for pets and enjoys being in the same room as his humans. I think he will bond quickly with any new family who lets him adjust and ask for love at his own pace.  He has no exposure to children.

Phil has been fairly anxious about the leash (he runs away and tries to hide when I put it on), but I think with time and training would really enjoy a walk especially with other dogs as a model. For now, he has seemed content to run around in the yard and chase squirrels for exercise, along with a good game of tug of war or playing with a ball in the house. He is still very young, so he definitely has puppy energy, but he tires out and needs a nap for a while after playing too.

Phil really enjoys the company of other dogs (he adjusted much faster to them than to humans) and would REALLY benefit from another friendly dog in the home to help build his confidence. He plays well with dogs of all sizes and has not had any aggression. Phil has no exposure to cats.

I am able to leave Phil alone in the home without being crated with no problem. He does enjoy "redistributing" laundry around the house that might be accessible (he once came running full speed out of my bedroom carrying my pajamas!) and sometimes will chew on plastic things left low to the ground but is not destructive otherwise.

Phil tested positive for anaplasma but show no signs of active infections. He’s being treated with a round of antibiotics as a precaution.

Phil is very food motivated; he is currently eating a mix of wet and dry food and has not refused a single treat or food experiment!



