
Maltese | 7 Years Old | Neutered Male | 6 LBs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with small dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Okay on leash 🥰Snuggle Pup 😀Friendly

✅ Came in very matted and had to be completely shaved. Once his hair grows back, will require routine grooming.

Check out a video of Olaf here!

Olaf is a tiny little guy who was picked up as a stray in Texas and never reclaimed. He was very matted and had to be completely shaved, so he looks even smaller now than he actually is, but he will be very cute once his hair grows out and he has a little fluff on him! Olaf was only 4 pounds when he came into the shelter and was underweight, but he has put on weight and is now at a healthy (for him) weight of 6.6 pounds.

Like his namesake from the movie Frozen, Olaf is a small guy with big feelings. Most of the time he is the happiest dude - like when he is running around the yard, jumping on you for pets, or sitting on your lap for cuddles. He will get so happy that he will quiver with excitement. He loves to snuggle up into your neck and lick your face. He can also get very sad, mostly when he has to be crated. He was very upset about being in his crate at first but is getting much better now with the help of some training with a spray bark collar. He now sleeps quietly in his crate all night without a bark collar, but sometimes still needs the bark collar when he has to be crated during the day. He has not had any potty accidents while with me, but I have not trusted him to free roam while alone just yet.

Olaf lives with several other small dogs and he gets along great with all of them, although he sometimes gets scared when the bigger ones try to play with him and will cower on the ground. He loves to play with the ones that are close to his size. He is quite the little drama queen and if one of the other dogs growls at him, he will scream like he is being murdered and run for the other end of the yard. Olaf has no middle ground when it comes to emotions - he is either wildly happy or desperately sad.

Olaf loves to go for walks although he is still learning to walk in a nice straight line. He likes to pull everywhere and investigate everything. He is a very busy little dude. Since he is so tiny, it really isn't a bother when he pulls and he gets right back on track with a little encouragement. He is very confident and will go up to everyone to say hi. Every so often he will be startled by a stranger and will bark, but is easily won over by a few pets. He absolutely loves to play with toys and often runs around the yard at full speed carrying a toy in his mouth that is larger than he is.

Olaf is SO excited to meet you and find his forever home!



