
Pointer Mix | female | 1 year Old | 45 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Enjoys learning new tricks!

❌ Working on leash manners! ❌ Needs to be an only dog!


Adopted on April 17th!


Molly has been pretty consistent. The main change we’ve been working on in her foster home is getting her to eat dry food. Molly’s now to the point where I just have to put a dollop of something she like on top and she’ll eat the whole bowl.


Molly is an absolute sweetheart, if it were up to her, she would be right by your side all day getting constant belly rubs. She loves to play, both by herself with rawhides and chew toys, and with people with her rope tug or frisbee. Molly’s favorite parts of the day are her walks, she takes a few a day to get some exercise and go to the bathroom, and she loves exploring the outdoors and sniffing everything possible. If she needs to be left alone in the house, all you need to do is ask nicely and she’ll go in her crate, and she’ll hang out in there quietly, not barking or whining, until you get back.

Molly will scarf down whatever is in her bowl right away, so she’s fed at mealtimes, but doesn’t need a strict schedule. She prefers wet food, but sometimes she will eat dry food if you add a bit of peanut butter, gravy, or anything else she likes to it. She’s also a big fan of treats, and knows a few tricks like sit, lay down, and shake already to get them, and she’s a quick learner so would likely pick up any other tricks you wanted to teach her.

While Molly may be a bit hesitant about new people right away, it only takes a few minutes for her to sniff and assess the new friends. She does best if any new people that enter your home leave her be until she’s done sniffing them, then slowly start petting her until she’s completely comfortable. She may bark and growl a bit because she’s nervous, but there has never been any trouble with her being offensive. After a max of five minutes, she’ll be settled down and cuddling up to anyone. When walking, she may get excited if she sees someone on the street, but if you let her know to keep going, she’ll walk past with no problem. Molly has not met kids yet.

Molly definitely has energy! She would be a great running partner once she had some leash training.  She currently does a bit of pulling, but Molly is very smart, and I think with just a little training she would get the hang of it. She is also better walking when she is wearing a harness. She's always ready to play and is generally excited about everything, so she would do best with a person or a family that is either very active or that has space for her to run and play on her own.

Molly was surrendered by her previous owner for dog reactivity. She had lived in an area with a lot of dog traffic and that wasn’t the right fit for her. From what we have observed so far, she gets highly excited when she sees or hears any dog. She tends to pull toward them, and she growls/barks. Molly may be able to be introduced to individual dogs over time and very slowly, but I would recommend that she not be adopted into a home that already has a dog. Molly has not met cats in her foster home.

Molly is generally very brave and outgoing, and loud noises she has heard so far don’t seem to scare her. But, she will try to avoid the vacuum, and doesn’t particularly like having her hair brushed or her toenails clipped. Hair brushing is manageable on your own if you are gentle about it, but she is too wriggly and strong for even two people to clip her nails, she will either need some training or be taken to a groomer for them.

Molly currently sleeps in her crate and is in her crate any time we leave the house, but she doesn't seem to have an affinity for chewing anything besides her designated toys and she hasn't had any accidents in the house, so I believe she may be fine if left alone outside her crate as well.

I can't overstate just how sweet Molly is, and I've never met a dog that is both so kind and playful and so smart. She absolutely loves being the center of attention, and even smiles this adorable smile when she is getting a lot of love :)



