
labrador retriever Mix | Female | 7 months Old | 32 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and cats! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ No young kids!


Adopted on May 29, 2021!


Moira is very friendly to outdoor dogs — and well-behaved on the pack walk—but started growling at the neighbor’s dog through the fence.

On the plus side, our cat is interacting with her more (instead of just running away). She also never chases or lunges at squirrels or rabbits. Moira is very gentle.

My adult niece is staying with us and although Moira shied away the first night, she seeks my neice out for pets and they cuddle on the floor.

She is only our second foster, but everyone who meets her in walks just loves her. She is a great dog!


Moira waits for someone to wake up and always wants stretch and snuggle time before we take her out for a pee. We have breakfast and then take her out again. She is a joy to be around. Moira likes to be near you in the home but is extremely well-behaved and never gets underfoot. It’s easy to forget she is still a puppy –it took a week for her to feel comfortable enough to play with toys. We have heard her bark only twice. She’ll run with you and has a burst of playful energy every evening before she gets her yogurt and kibble Kong treat toy and goes to sleep. Once she warms up to you, she loves pets and belly rubs. We do not crate her. She sleeps on a dog bed in the bedroom.

Moira welcomes all the attention she gets on walks. Indoors, she will run upstairs when a visitor is inside the house. Initially, timid, she will observe what's going on and come downstairs when she feels safe.

We do not have children living with us. Although she has welcomed pets from children on walk, I would be concerned about small children because of her skittishness and sensitivity to loud noises.

Moira is a pretty chill dog indoors. She will follow you around the house and find perfect places to nap. We have been working with her leash manners. She is happy to be in in our backyard, but reluctant to take walks. She will willingly go into the car and requires less coaxing to go for a walk if we drive somewhere away from the house. She likes to run on the leash but pulls when we are close to our house.

Moira seems to take cues from other dogs on the pack walk and has enjoyed playing with adult dogs. Moira might benefit from having another chill dog to help her gain some confidence!   She did not respond well to young puppies.

Moira is great with our cat. She completely respects our boss cat and lets her have her space. No conflicts.

She will whimper when we leave the house, but she is never destructive.

Moira may be part Labrador, but she is 100% wonderful. She has the best temperament. She is gentle, loyal, affectionate and wants to please. Moira is a remarkably sweet girl and we love having her around. It took a couple of weeks for her to come out of her shell and trust us. Her manners are pretty good--she has learned to sit and wait for her food instead of jumping. She will definitely eat the cat food if she has the opportunity and is tall enough to counter surf, so we don't leave unsupervised food out on the counter. Although she is a perfect pup inside, she will really benefit from patience and some training to learn some more big dog manners and overcome her fears outside. She startles easily due to loud noises and traffic so quiet neighborhood is best!



