
chihuahua Mix | male | 2 years Old | 12 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ No young kids!


Micki found his momma May 17th, 2021!


Micki is becoming a better behaved dog as he starts his third month here in Wisconsin.  The routines we have for him are helping him thrive.  He loves his walks, cuddling/snuggling, and he’s just a very easy dog to take care of!  He was playfully biting some, but that seems to be going away now.  He used to have glimpses of grumpiness when we woke him up to go outside in the morning but now he almost anticipates it.  He’s ready for his forever home!!

Micki has also become quite talented at covering himself in blankets.


We wake Micki up at about 5 AM and take him out to pee with our other resident dog. He eats around 6:15 AM, then the two of them are taken out for a walk around 7:15 AM. One of us works from home, so someone is always home with Micki typically during the weekdays. Both dogs are taken out a couple times during the day to go to the bathroom. Micki and our other dog eat dinner around 6 PM and are taken out for another walk at that time.

Micki seemed comfortable with us the minute we picked him up. As soon as we sit on the couch Micki will climb up next to us and make himself comfortable. He is not afraid of humans at all.

He has not had any exposure to children. We have two 15-year-olds in the household, and Micki does well around them.  Micki does not like being picked up so young kids might not be a good fit.

Micki does well on a leash. He gets very excited to go outside as soon as he sees his leash. Micki loves to find his toy balls and loves to play fetch.

Micki does well with our dog inside the home. They curl up next to each other sometimes and eat/drink together. When on walks, both of them will bark at other dogs they encounter. When the other owner let their dogs’ approach and sniff each other, Micki calmly does so and also stops barking.  Micki does not have any exposure to cats.

We haven't left Micki alone too often. When we have, it hasn't been for more than a few hours at a time. We put him in his crate and he seems to be fine when we get back.

Micki is being treated with a round of antiobiotics for Anaplasma.  He does not show any active sign of infection and this is a precaution.  The vet noted Micki will most likely need a dental in the next 6-12 months.

Micki will make a great pet! Sometimes his growls can be intimidating when he is disturbed from his sitting or sleeping, but we just pull him close, and he calms down quickly. We also have learned that having the leash with us when we have to disturb him helps prevent the growling and there is no need to even pick him up as he will just follow at that point.



