
cur Mix | male | 4 months Old | 38 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Working on potty training! ❌ Working on leash manners!

Merry found his forever home on May 28, 2022!

Check out him and his brother playing here!


Do you have dreams of owning your own real-life Clifford the Big Red [or in this case Black & White] Dog? Merry could be just who you've been looking for! Pushing 40lbs. at just 4 months old, this pup has some serious potential to quickly outsize his Hobbit namesake!

Merry spent the first few months of his life in Louisiana with his three brothers and has been spending his time in Wisconsin learning how to be a confident and independent pupper doggo. He currently lives in a multi-dog foster home so has had an opportunity to meet several dogs of various shapes and sizes and he's done very well with each of them. By no means does he need to have a doggy sibling in his forever home, but he wouldn't say no! He also wouldn't say no to the opportunity for lots of puppy play dates to keep his social calendar full.

He's making great progress in crate training -- and only has an occasional accident overnight when he sneaks back to the water dish after his last trip outside for the evening. He's currently hanging out with a foster who works exclusively from home, so during the day, he spends 3-4 hours at a time crated with play and potty breaks in between. Since he's a young guy, he will need a potty break and lunch mid-day, but as long as he's given an opportunity to expend his puppy energy in the morning, mid-day, late afternoon, and evening, Merry will do just fine if you work a more traditional schedule as long as you can accommodate his needs. I would not trust him to free-roam at this time since his puppy curiosities will definitely still get the best of him!

Merry is the timid one of his brothers and will need a little extra reassurance and guidance. He's gaining confidence by the day, however, and finds himself in more than enough puppy mischief. He also loves sneaking as many squeaky toys as he can and squirreling them away for later. He's catching onto learning new life skills quickly, and is extremely food motivated, so he will be a lot of fun to train! He is a typical puppy though, so he's sure to keep you on your toes! This week, we're learning how leashes work; he hasn't quite mastered his long legs yet, so he's sure to make you laugh with each trip outside! Come scoop this sweet snuggle pup up today!



