
Cocker spaniel/golden retriever Mix | Female | 8 months Old | 31 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car!

❌ Working on leash manners!


Adopted on May 27, 2021!

Mattie wakes up and goes out to potty. She goes on a "run" and eats her breakfast. Usually, we have a dog over to run around and play in the backyard with. After she is completely ran out, she will lie down on the couch and relax for a little bit. When she is ready to do something again, she will let you know by getting into things or getting in your personal space. After dinner, she plays inside and heads to bed.

She loves people! On walks she will try to follow people home. Mattie loves anybody that will stop to pet her and give her a little bit of love. Encountering a new person, she lies down on her back for tummy rubs and then cuddles right up next to you. Mattie loves to be around people and get lots of attention.

Mattie has met children ages 6-15. She loves people, but if she gets too excited, she will jump up for attention.

Mattie does not like walks or runs. If you have the time to go on a slow walk, then she likes to stop and sniff things. She doesn't quite understand how to be a dog while walking. She loves playing with other dogs in the backyard and would likely love the dog park. When she needs to do something or go play, she will let you know by stealing things or getting into things.

She will play with any dog that she is allowed to. So far Mattie has met a 2 year old 40 pound dog, who is her best friend, a young puppy, and a 3 year old dog. She loves to run, chase, and play tug-a-war with anyone. On walks if she sees another dog, Mattie will stop and stare, hoping that she gets to go play with them. She has not pulled on the leash to play with other dogs yet.

Mattie lives with a resident cat. She is very curious and would like to play with her. If you tell her “no”, she responds quite well and stops bothering the kitty. Usually, the cat stays away from her.

Mattie has not really been left alone before. If we were to leave, we would crate her (as she can be destructive sometimes). She likes to go places with you and explore.

Mattie is a real sweetheart, but she needs a lot of attention and love. She is a full-time job, but she would love to meet you!



