Maggie Moo Moo

terrier Mix | Female | 1 year Old | 11 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Loves her people! ❌ Would prefer to be an only dog

Maggie Moo Moo found her forever home on July 20, 2022!


Maggie sleeps in a kennel at night. Most mornings she will start to fuss around 5am, but if you say "No" or "Shhhh" she will quite down again. We get up around 6 am, and Maggie goes outside with her foster sister. If she does not go potty outside, I will put down a potty pad as she will go number 1 and 2 in the morning. Then Maggie gets breakfast while I eat and get ready for work. Maggie is gated in the kitchen with toys, a blanket, and water while I am at work. When I get home, we go for a long walk to get her energy out. In the afternoons/evening we will play, go for more walks, and cuddle on the couch. She gets fed dinner around 6 pm, and we go to bed around 9:30pm.

When Maggie is on a leash, she will bark at people when we are on walks. But she is never aggressive towards anyone. She will warm up to people fast, and loves to give everyone kisses.

Maggie has a medium energy level. She is usually most active in the afternoon, after being home while I am at work. We go for a long walk once I get home to help get her energy out, and will go for a few shorter walks throughout the day for exercise and potty training. She has lots of toys that she likes to play with at home.

When she is on the leash, Maggie will bark at other dogs. We have gone to a dog park, and when she is off leash she interacts well with the dogs that came up to her. At home Maggie mostly avoids her foster sister. They have tried to play together, but Maggie can be possessive of toys. She is also possessive of food as well. While Maggie could live with another dog in the home, I think it would be better for her to be with a family as the only pet in the home. Maggie is use to being spoiled and pampered, and just wants to get all the attention from her family.

No exposure to cats with foster. Previous family said she does not interact well with cats.

Maggie does not like when her owners leave. She will whine and bark for about 10 minutes when I have to leave for work. A few time when I have taken out the trash she has scratched at the door and whined.

Maggie is a sweetie. She is use to being spoiled, and just wants to cuddle in your lap all day. She is pretty easy going, but does have her high energy times of the day. She loves going on walks, and dragging her toys around the house. We have been working with her on outside potty training, but she will use potty pad over going outside most of the time. She does interact pretty well with other dogs, and currently lives with a foster sister, but I think she will be more comfortable and happy being the only dog in the home. Maggie love to be by her people, and is always looking to please.



