
Terrier Mix | Female | 1.5 Years Old | 57 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good running buddy! ❌ No apartments! ❌ No little kids!

Lyla found her forever home on June 20, 2022!

Check out videos of Lyla performing commands!



Lyla loved the warm, sunny weather this weekend! She has decided that the best spot is to jump on top of our hot tub and just lay and bake in the sun. With St.Patrick’s day coming up she participated in a fashion show and donned a festive headpiece. Since she is so wiggly and gets excited for pets from her foster parents, it took a bit of treat coaxing for a picture but she settled in after a bit. Lyla can be a bit vocal when she is overly excited, so we are working on several commands. This girl is just so smart and we think she’s hoping she might convince us to give her some corned beef and cabbage! With the warm weather coming, Lyla is excited to take more walks and to continue to practice her leash training skills that she’s already come so far on. One of her dog friends came over for a sleepover as well and they played a lot. Sometimes she is just so excited to play and doesn’t know when she is tired though, so we help to remind her by instituting some breaks in her crate with a bone or Kong. Lyla was very tired by the end of the weekend when her friend went home and put herself to bed early for some R&R.


Looking for a fun-loving, active pup to get you up and moving, but who is also an A+ snuggler? Lyla may be your gal. A typical day starts slow for Lyla – she’s often the last of our pups up preferring to stay in a warm bed until it’s time to eat. Once she’s eaten, she often will go back to bed or snuggle on her foster father’s lap while he has his morning coffee. Once it’s time to get moving, Lyla hits the ground running with a lot of exuberance for the day. When warm enough, she loves to play fetch and tug-of-war in the back yard. Our resident dogs will sometimes oblige in a game of chase around the back yard which Lyla loves. She’s very enthusiastic with her play – it can sometimes be too much for our lazier dogs, but she usually reads their signals and backs off when they don’t want to participate. Due to her excitement with other dogs, she does best with slower introductions, to give them time to understand she just wants to play. Lyla loves when her foster parents dog sit as she gets a chance to play all weekend with new dogs. One other weekend while her foster parents were out of town, she went for a vacation at two different dog trainers and was a hit. They loved how sweet and smart she is and echoed our feelings that she is a special dog that will be a perfect fit in a home dedicated to her training and exercise needs.

Lyla is also super smart and food motivated. Training has allowed her to focus and helps her maintain her self-control. Any potential adopters should plan on continued training with Lyla to keep her self-control high and provide another outlet for her medium/high energy level.

Lyla continues to improve with her leash skills. At first, she was a big puller and was reactive to other walkers as she is so excited to meet everyone and sniff as much as she can. We’ve transitioned her to a prong collar which has helped a ton to curb her pulling some and she’s much easier to walk now. With more walks once spring hits, she will likely to continue to improve.

Lyla does tend to be more vocal when she meets new people or experiences new stimuli like the Amazon driver. She wants to share her zest for life and the Amazon driver does bring tasty treats. Due to this we’d recommend no apartments as her ad-hoc barking may be too much for potential adopters’ shared-wall neighbors. For similar reasons, we recommend no little kids – the constant stimuli may make it tough for her to relax with the opportunity for so many pets and licks.

Lyla’s silliness, love of snuggling, and smarts make her a joy to have in our home, but she is ready to find her forever family!



