
german shepherd Mix | male | 4 months Old | 14 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and cats! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Luke was adopted on June 13, 2021!


Luke is growing like crazy! His character is blossoming with how playful and sweet he is. He enjoys carrying things around at random times; it’s VERY entertaining! He is so stinking sweet and really feeds off my emotions. I was not feeling good the other day, and he insisted on cuddling and laying on me. He’s been enjoying when we go on adventures and is always ready for something new. Potty training just keeps progressing, and we are working on patience and not jumping on people. Luke is ready to bring some light into your life!


Luke wakes me up around 5:30 in the morning like clockwork. It’s then breakfast time and play until I go to work, or continued play time if I work from home. After work is dinner, play outside, nap, and more play until bedtime.

Luke loves people! He can be a little shy at first but warms up very quickly. He gives the best snuggles and puppy breath kisses ever. He has no exposure to children.

He has a pretty high energy level as most puppies do, he plays and plays until he crashes for naps. The more time outside he gets to spend, the quicker he gets tired. We take some short walks most days as well and he seems to enjoy them.

Luke took a little bit to warm up to my resident dogs, but after a short while he was normal and very playful. Outside of the house he is slow to approach other dogs, but not afraid or aggressive.

He does pretty well with my cats, he sometimes chases them, but only if they’re doing a sprint past him.

Luke takes a minute to calm down in his crate if he still has a lot of energy, but most days he settles in fairly quickly.

Luke was hospitalized with parvo late April/early May. Supportive care was provided and he was discharged after about a week at the emergency vet. Once a dog clears parvo symptoms, there is no risk of them coming back (as long as the dog remains vaccinated). Shortly following adoption, you may need to be a bit cautious where you bring your pup as they could still be shedding the virus for a short time following the resolution of symptoms.

Luke is a very positive puppy that loves to be with his people as much as he can. He is a very playful boy that sometimes clan get jealous and bark when someone else has a toy he wants, therefore may not be the best fit for an apartment. Luke is so smart, he knows numerous tricks and learns so fast. Potty training is still in the works, but gets better with a consistent schedule.



