
Catahoula/mountain cur Mix | Female | 1 year Old | 35 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Needs slow introductions to people, dogs, environments! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Loves to snuggle!

Jo found her forever home on March 23, 2022!



Hi, Friends! Jo here. I've been hanging out with a sitter for a couple weeks while my foster family is out of town so I thought I'd tell you about how things have been going!

The first day without my foster family was rough. I don't particularly like new things or lots of changes, but as long as I'm introduced slowly to anything new, I'm good! The best way to describe my greeting style is "bark first, ask questions later." I need a little reassurance that the situation is a-okay, and then I'll approach it with curiosity. My sitter is a dog trainer so I've had an opportunity to meet several different dogs of all shapes and sizes, too. I don't like other dogs in my crate or near my food, but once we've been properly introduced, I love to snuggle and play with them. I reeaaaalllyyyyyyy hope my forever family has another dog or two for me to hang out with!

In a new house, I've had a little trouble remembering to go outside to potty; sometimes I just get so excited playing I forget! Once outside, I do like consistency, so when you first introduce me to my new potty spot, make sure it's the one you'll want me to use most often; I will remember and will look at you with confusion if we don't go to "my" spot. I've also never made a mess in my crate!

Speaking of crates, you will want to crate me if I'm home alone for a while. My sitter has been working on my separation anxiety with me -- I'm alone for a few hours each day here -- and I'm getting much better. When I first got here, I wouldn't relax the whole time they were gone. I don't bark or howl or anything like that -- instead, I like to try to pull nearby objects into my crate (yep, even if they give me toys in there). They still haven't figured out how I managed to reach the curtains that were several inches away from my crate -- and I'll never tell them my secrets! After almost a week and a half, they swear they've caught me napping in my crate while I'm home alone. I do prefer to be in a room that has another dog in it so we can hang out together if we're home alone.

I've also gone on a few adventures with my sitter; my favorite was when we went for a long hike. I walked more than three miles with no problem! I did try to chase a few squirrels that crossed our path, and rreeeaaaalllyyyyyy wanted to go say "hi" to a couple dogs we walked past, but in each of these cases, I was able to be easily redirected back to our walk. I also walk really nicely on just a martingale collar; when I'm REALLY excited, I even prance!

One more thing that I should tell you; I do have a little bit of a tendency to get car sick, at least if I ride in a crate in the car. I've been told there are meds and things that can make riding in a car more comfortable, so if you're looking to take me on a lot of road trips, you'll probably want to look into some options for this.

This family has told me I'm a lot of fun to hang out with, now that I've figured out they're okay of course, so I'm super excited to find my forever family and can't wait to shower you with love and a few kisses once I get to know you!


Jo is a playful girl with a loving personality and a huge heart! She arrived in Wisconsin exhausted and a little bit underweight, and spent her first week eating and catching up on sleep. As she's gotten more rest and put on a little bit of weight, her personality has been blossoming. She's an affectionate sweetheart who is eager to please and always wants to be near her people, whether following you around the house or falling asleep with her head on your arm. Her usually calm demeanor is punctuated with bursts of puppy energy, and when she's in a playful mood she loves to chase a tennis ball, zoom around the house, and play with her foster parents' resident dog.

Jo's day starts when her foster parents get up for work, usually between 7 and 8. She starts the day with a quick trip outside, followed by breakfast and then a couple of hours of free time to play or relax on the couch. We work from home, but she is used to going into her crate mid-morning with a peanut butter Kong and napping for a few hours. Mid-afternoon, she comes out of her crate and takes another trip outside, then has more time to play until dinner around 5. After dinner, she usually naps or follows us around the house while we cook our dinner. She is a major snuggler and loves to cuddle up to us on the couch in the evening. At night, she takes another trip outside before bedtime, and then sleeps in a dog bed in the same room with us and our other dog.

In general Jo is well-behaved and polite, though she can be slightly mischievous and shouldn't be left to roam in the house without supervision. She's VERY enthusiastic about food and will grab a bite off her humans' plate if given the opportunity. This is Jo's first Wisconsin winter and when she first arrived, she wasn't thrilled about going out to pee in the snow. However, she has adjusted quickly (with the help of a new coat) and does a good job with going to the bathroom outside as long as we keep her on a regular schedule. She happily goes into her crate with a treat, and naps most of the time she's in there, though occasionally she gets a little lonely and cries. Her favorite thing is to be wherever you are!

Jo is slightly shy with new people, but warms up quickly. She sometimes hesitates to approach a new person, but we've never seen her be aggressive, and she is very friendly once she gets over her initial nervousness. With people she knows, she is a huge sweetheart and loves to give kisses and ask for attention. Jo hasn't had any interaction with children while being fostered in Wisconsin.

Jo was positive for Anaplasmosis, a tick-borne disease, in January but is not showing any clinical signs. A positive result for Anaplasmosis just indicates antibodies to this bacteria, not necessarily active infection. Per our rescue protocol, she is currently being given a round of antibiotics.

Jo has so many lovable quirks, like her habit of stopping to stare at herself in the mirror, or the way she likes to get on the couch by taking a flying leap over the arm from one side. She does a little dance when she's excited to see you (or to have dinner), and if she's sitting next to you she'll quietly inch closer and closer until she's near enough to give you a kiss on the cheek. She's easy to love, and would happily be your devoted best friend. If you're looking for a dog that loves to play but is also happy to curl up next to you on the couch in the evening, Jo could be your perfect match!



