
Chihuahua/dachshund Mix | Female | 4 months Old | 12 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and kids! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Adopted on June 5th!

Jill is a typical puppy. The mornings and early afternoons are when she has the most energy. When she gets up, she will want to play and will jump up on you for pets and play time. We go on a walk every day to get her exercised, and in the house we play with chew toys and squeaky toys. Sometimes she and her foster dog sister will do zoomies around the living room. In the evenings, she gets a bit calmer and will lay by you on the couch.

Jill wakes up around 4 am to go to potty, we go out quick and she does number 1 and 2. We come back in, and she goes back in her kennel for more sleep time. Then we get up at 6am when I get ready for work and she goes out again. While I get ready in the morning she will eat breakfast and play with some toys. Before I leave, I take her out one more time, then she gets gated in the kitchen with toys, water, her dog bed, and potty pads. After work we got outside for a long walk and potty. The evening is spent playing with toys, zoomies, and then belly rubs once she settles down. We go out one last time before bed around 9:30pm, and then Jill goes into her kennel and sleeps.

When she sees other people on walks, she will pull on her leash to try to get to them. She is always curious to smell them and give kisses. If she is walking with her foster sister she will bark at people when she barks, but if I walk her by herself Jill usually wont bark. When we are inside, she will bark a bit when she hears people in the hallway. We are working on the quiet command.

Jillybean did live in a previous home with 3 young kids and did very well with them. I think she likes having another high energy person in her house to run around with.

When she sees other people on walks, she will pull on her leash to try to get to them. She is always curious to smell them and give kisses. Since she is a puppy, she does not always understand personal space with other dogs and will just want to get real close to them right away. This is something we are working on with her and her foster dog sister, teaching her to leave her foster sister alone when she wants to be left alone.

She lived in a house with two cats previously and I was told she got along well with them.

Jill is not fully potty trained she is gated in the kitchen when I am at work. I leave her with lots of toys and some chew bones to keep her occupied, as well as potty pads. When she is gated, she does whine for a bit but then will grab a toy or lay in her bed for a nap. When gated, she does use her potty pads.

Jillybean is a sweet girl who is still a young pup needing training and attention. We have been working on some commands like “quiet” and “sit” which she is learning quickly.

When she goes on walks, Jill does like to try to eat things like plants and worms, so watch out for that.



