
rottweiler Mix | male | 3 years Old | 54 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs, cats, and kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Jefferson found his family June 12!

Jefferson gets up and goes outside to potty in the morning between 6:30 and 7:00 AM. He eats breakfast and then hangs out with my dogs and cats during the day with free run of the house while I am at work. I am able to come home midday to let him out, although I think he would be fine all day. Jefferson goes for a walk in the afternoon, eats again and then hangs out with us in the evening. He is let out in the backyard again before we go to bed at 10:00 PM. Jefferson sleeps on a dog bed on the floor and doesn't try to get up on furniture.

Jefferson loves everyone he meets both inside the home as well as when we are out and about. He is an all around GREAT dog who with a super sweet and mellow demeanor.

He is GREAT with children. Jefferson has been around various kids of different age including a loud and energetic 3 year old boy and didn't bat an eye. Jefferson is a very "go with the flow" kind of dog who would do well in almost any home.

Jefferson is a medium energy dog. He enjoys "zoomies" around the yard, going on walks, and would definitely enjoy going the dog park or on hikes, but for most is content to hang out with his people and do what they are doing.

Jefferson is awesome with other dogs of all sizes. He gently plays with my other 6-pound foster and demonstrates excellent "dog manners" when we are out and about and he meets other dogs.

He is also great with cats. Jefferson gently sniffs them and will play if they want to but respects their "feline" space and is very well mannered and gentle.

Jefferson does very well when I leave. I do have other pets, so he does have animal company when I go to work, but he has demonstrated no separation anxiety, destructive behaviors or chewing on inappropriate things when left alone.

It always seems to be the sweetest pups that end up with the toughest go of it medically. Prior to coming to Wisconsin, he had entropion surgery which corrects his eye lids from rubbing on his eye. This surgery was mostly successful as there is still a very subtle entropion present, however there is no inflammation, discharge or inability to spread tear film. At this time, the vet has suggested continued monitoring. He is being treated with a precautionary round of antibiotics for anaplasmosis (tick borne disease) though he has shown no symptoms. He also had a dental as his teeth were in rough shape. He did have to have quite a few extractions but once he is fully healed, will be able to eat dry food like any other pup.

An xray of Jefferson's hips reveal some abnormalities in the way his hip joints line up but this doesn't seem to impact him much at all. He has great extension and range of motion in his hips and is well muscled in both legs.

The specialist did note some thickening of the tissue on his knee which could suggest cranial cruciate ligament issues in the next year or two but right now everything is strong and stable. He has had some episodes of limping related to his knee which resolved after about a week of rest/anti-inflammatory meds. At some point, he will have a partial to full tear of that ligament and at that time surgery will likely be needed. For now, they are suggesting keeping him at a healthy weight, joint supplements and anti-inflammatories as needed. While no action is needed right now, an adopter should be prepared for that expense, should his mobility decrease down the road.

I can't say enough great things about this very special dog! Jefferson has a heart of gold and a sweet and lovable disposition. He would make an amazing addition to any family!



