
australian cattle dog Mix | male | 2 years Old | 50 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Good running buddy! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!

Jake found his forever home on August 4, 2022!


My name is Jake, and I enjoy long walks on the beach... or the in the neighborhood, or where ever you want to walk! I'd probably be a great running buddy, but my current foster is still recovering from a broken ankle so that hasn't been attempted. But I go on a 2 mile walk in the morning, play with the resident dog, and sometimes go another walk in the afternoon. I play hard, and crash hard.

I am an absolute lover of people and animals, except bunnies (I thought I needed to save the world from bunnies, but I'm slowly learning that bunnies aren't the enemy.) I haven't met a person I don't love and trust right off the bat. However, I am still working on not jumping up and looking people in the eye while they pet me. I LOVE PEOPLE.

I love people big and small. If my foster brothers (ages 6 and 9) were allowed to, I'd sleep on their beds with them all night long. I love kids. Their energy is similar to mine. I do still have lots of puppy energy, and am working on not "mouthing" on my people. I don't bite, I just like to hold hands gently in my mouth, and I'm learning that this is not ok.

I am learning how to walk on a leash and I'm doing AWESOME! It turns out that a regular collar is great for holding my ID tags, but it's not all I need for a walk right now. A front-attaching harness has been magical for me! I walk right next to my resident dog and we have a blast.

I love all dogs. My fosters are allergic to cats, so I don't know how I am with them. I'd be cautious, because bunnies are for chasing.

I do fine when left alone but I'm left in a guest room. My foster dad works from home, and there's a resident dog here, so I get lots of attention.

Jake is so cute and wonderful. We love him. He just needs some work on not jumping up on people, and not "mouthing"/holding people's hands in his mouth. He doesn't bite down, but he needs to learn these boundaries with his humans. He is super smart, and with some training, he's going to be someone's perfect, loving, loyal dog.



