
Golden Retriever | male | 8 Months Old | 47 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!


Check out a video of Ira here!

Get ready to have your heart stolen by the incredible Ira! This 8 month old golden retriever is super sweet and smart. Ira is a local, coming to us from a Wisconsin farm. He was a very timid boy when we met him a few weeks ago, and likely had minimal human interaction or social experiences. But WOW are we impressed with this handsome guy. He is coming out of his shell more and more every day to reveal a gentle soul with a charming personality.

 With his agreeable demeanor, we think Ira would do great in most any home, including dogs and/or kids. We have both and it is going amazing. Ira would do well as an only dog too, but we have found having doggy playtime is helping him gain confidence.  He has not been introduced to cats yet.

 Ira easily matches the energy level of our home as it fluctuates, but his overall manner is very chill. Ira enjoys stuffies, playing with balls and appears to be a bit of a hoarder - - bringing any toy he can find and piling them into his crate. It’s pretty darn cute! But make sure to keep an eye on any shoes lying around - he still is a puppy after all and may take them too

 Ira loves his crate and it has been a source of comfort for him as he adapts to his new world. When we leave the home, he does very well being crated. He even knows to “go to your house” when it’s time. During the day, Ira goes in and out of his crate freely for little breaks or naps. We just recently started letting him free roam overnight and he is doing great with it – no accidents and no chewing at all. He still sleeps mainly in his open crate but comes up onto our bed occasionally for snuggles.  Ira has grown so much in the area of leash walking! His least favorite part is getting the harness on, and he enjoys having slack in his leash, but he is really getting the hang of it. Ira is quiet and well behaved in the car. However, he is still warming up to the idea of getting into cars. (We can coax him in with treats, but sometimes just carry/lift him in for travel).

 Ira is somewhat reserved when meeting new people and exploring new places/things. But he is less timid every day with unfamiliar settings.  Ira is more apt to hang back and see new people from a distance at first. He doesn’t care for people approaching him quickly, and might retreat if caught by surprise. He prefers to come to you for snuggles and rubs (he especially likes it if you are sitting down at his level).  Once he is comfortable, he is all love and will follow you around with a wagging tail!

 We couldn’t be more impressed with Ira’s growth and are in awe of his delightful personality. Come meet this loveable red head and fall head over heels.



