
Black mouth cur Mix | male | 3 months Old | 11 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Working on potty training! ❌ Working on leash manners!

Huey found his forever home on April 23, 2022!


We wake up early in the foster house, usually by 6am. Huey eats his first meal after potty time. He will go for a walk in the morning and then spend the day playing with the other animals in the house or sleeping. In the afternoon he goes for another walk or has outside play time. He eats his evening meal around 5pm. He plays again and can entertain himself with his toys. He goes to bed around 9pm.

Huey loves people! He is always ready for attention. He loves pets and snuggles anytime! He does not seem to be hesitant to approach anyone that comes into the foster home. He has also been to visit people outside the home and did well.

Huey is a medium to high energy puppy. He needs walks and play time every day. He currently walks with a harness and is doing very well! He also does not mind just sleeping and snuggling with his people.

Huey loves other dogs! He currently lives with 3 other dogs and does well. He does not mind being corrected by them if he is playing too rough. He has had a few puppy play dates and had done very well!! He loves to play.

Huey does well with cats, but he does try to chase them at times. He currently lives with one cat. They will play together every once in a while!

Huey continues to work on potty training; he has been doing well at going outside and has only had a few accidents in the house. We are in the process of teaching him to go to the door when he needs to go out. We are also working on leash training. The harness has been very helpful.

Huey needs to be crated when he is left alone.

Huey is such a sweet puppy! He is learning basic commands and is doing well with "sit" and "come". He is very treat motivated and a fast learner! He needs to work on learning boundaries and manners. He loves to be near his people and will follow you everywhere! He is the absolute best snuggler! His foster mom is so proud of him on how well he has fallen into the routine at the house! With a little guidance and training Huey will make the perfect addition to any family!!



