
Australian shepherd/blue heeler | female | 2 Years Old | 40 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in the car! ❌Needs slow intros to humans!

Dear Potential Forever Family,

Greetings from your potential fur-baby-to-be (Hattie) the one and only, the paw-some Australian Blue Heeler! Now, before you start thinking, "Oh boy, another letter from a dog," let me assure you, I'm not your average tail-wagger. Nope, I'm here to woo you with my wag and charm you with my bark... or lack thereof. You see, I'm not too fond of those "stranger danger" situations. It takes me FOREVER to warm up to people. I hate meeting new people for some reason I think they are out to get me. BUT I do eventually warm up. 

So, let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm currently living the dream with my hooman family and fur siblings. They're pretty pawsome, but I've been feeling a bit like a fish out of water lately. Or should I say, a dog without a field? You see, as much as I love cuddles and belly rubs, I've got this itch... no, not that kind of itch! I mean, I've got this itch for adventure, for wide-open spaces where I can roam like the wind and chase after those elusive squirrels.

Now, don't get me wrong, my current fam-bam is great. We do our twice-daily runs, which are like the highlight of my day. But I'm craving more, you know? I've got this brain that's just itching to be challenged. I'm wicked smart, if I do say so myself, and I'm itching for a family who's willing to see just how much brainpower I've got packed into this furry noggin. I'd love a job, something to keep me on my paws and give me a sense of purpose. Or hey, if you've got acres of land for me to patrol, count me in!

Oh, and did I mention that I've got three human brothers and three fur siblings? Yep, I'm quite the social pup when it comes to my pack. But when it comes to outsiders, well, let's just say I've got trust issues. But hey, who doesn't, right? Give me a LONG minute, and I'll warm up to you faster than you can say "fetch!"

So, what do you say? Are you ready to add a dose of adventure, a sprinkle of intelligence, and a whole lot of cuddles to your family? If so, I'm your gal! Let's embark on this journey called life together, one tail wag at a time.


Yours in anticipation,




