
labrador retriever Mix | Male | 5 years Old | 60 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Officially adopted on April 23, 2021!

Hardy chills in his crate until 8 am, then he has breakfast and is taken outside. He sleeps most of the day away, with a few periods of training and playtime in between. In the afternoon we typically go on a 20-minute walk, then come back inside and hang out until dinner. Hardy does well living in an apartment. After dinner, he goes out one final time and curls up in his crate for bed.

Hardy does great with people. He's pretty ambivalent, and his greetings are polite (no barking, jumping, etc.) Depending on the situation and person, he will occasionally shy away from people and hide behind me.

He has not been exposed to young children with me. However, he has been exposed to older children (12+) and did fine.

Hardy is a low-medium energy pup! As long as he gets enough mental stimulation, he is well behaved inside and happy to nap the day away. He does GREAT on structured walks and handles loose-leash walking like a pro, even in downtown Madison. He's a fantastic walking and hiking partner!

Hardy does well with other dogs and can easily be refocused if he encounters them while on a walk. If the other dog is uncontrolled by its owner and allowed to rush over, he will shy away and softly growl. However, he does great with controlled introductions and is quickly ready to play afterwards. He isn't resource aggressive towards other dogs or humans. Hardy does not live with cats.

He is very eager to please, and is easily trained. We've been working on sit, down, come, touch, spin, and center. His recall is quite good, and his leash behavior is superb. Hardy is great having his nails dremeled and even does well with bath time!

He is crated when left alone. Hardy is fantastic in his crate, but doesn't always differentiate between toys and non-toys when roaming free in our home.

Hardy has had several seizures while in foster care. He currently takes medication (Keppra) twice a day to help prevent the seizures. The generic form of this medication costs roughly $30 per month. Any adopter would need to continue to work with their vet to determine the best long term plan for his care. Additionally, once Hardy tests heartworm negative, he will need to have entropian eye surgery on one of his eyes. This will correct the irritation resulting from his eyelashes rubbing on his eye. This surgery will be covered for the adopter by Fetch WI at Precision Veterinary Clinic in Madison, WI. Adopters should plan for a dental in the next 1-2 years due to tartar accumulation.

If you want to see more pictures and video of him, you can check out @pup.inprogress on Instagram. Hardy is the SWEETEST boy who loves cuddles, pets, and making his people happy. He's just looking for someone who can give him the attention and love he very much deserves :)



