
Chihuahua Mix | male | 5 months Old | 9 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and kids! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

❌ Working on crate training!


Adopted April 13th, 2021!


Hamilton has been enjoying this beautiful weather! He has found that bugs are really fun to chase and that sticks are tasty. Been having to keep an eye on him so he doesn’t eat the sticks! We have been on some fun adventures lately. We shopped around Fleet Farm a couple times and got pets from all the people! We have been working on his trainings, and he has been really learning things! We wait at all of the doors now, sit and lay down without treats being needed too! Starting to try some new fun tricks as well! Hamilton has met a couple kids recently and was very sweet and gentle around them. He is not afraid of the vacuum cleaner or the lawnmower. He was in the sunroom and the lawnmower going by didn’t phase him at all. When vacuuming, he sometimes tries to play with it like the funny guy that he is. I’ve been having to go into the office a little more lately and have been able to spy on him via my Furbo pet camera. He whines for a little bit once I’m gone, but does settle in after a bit. He is still progressing with potty training too!


Hamilton starts his mornings by getting the zoomies around while waiting to go outside to potty. He then gets his breakfast and plays around until either I leave for work or will continue playing and chewing on toys when I work from home with random naps during the day. The evenings are filled with playing, dinner, and cuddles before bedtime.

When Hamilton sees a person, his eyes brighten up and he gets the wiggles with a crazy wagging tail. He has yet to meet someone who did not like him, and he is a favorite at the vet clinics! They are always excited to see him because they get to play "pass and cuddle the Hamilton." He even got a quick course in vet school while he hung out with the veterinarian on her rounds one day. Hamilton has not had any exposure to children.

Hamilton is very good at entertaining himself. He will hoard toys by wherever I am and get the random zoomies when playing with my resident dogs. When it was really cold out, we tried to do more mental stimulation inside as he is not a fan of the cold. However with the nice weather, we hang out for hours outside just chasing leaves and being a puppy. We go on little random walks around and he just follows and walks with me very willingly. Strange and new noises sometimes make him a little nervous when we are outside, but reassurance and a treat from me is usually all he needs.

Hamilton plays with my boxer mix constantly, they're best buds. My corgi is not as playful; however, he has learned that she is more accepting of him when he is calm around her. He has met a couple dogs outside the house, and he is very happy and wants to be their friends.

I have two different cats, one is playful and outgoing, the other is more reserved. Hamilton will play and wrestle with my outgoing cat randomly throughout the day and it is just one of the funniest things I've ever seen. He has learned that my other cat does not want to play the same way, so he has been less playful and more reserved with her. It was not like initially, but as time has gone by they are very comfortable with each other now with no issues.

Hamilton is not the biggest fan of being alone. The first few nights in his kennel took some reassurance from me. When I leave the house, he is kenneled and leaves his kennel clean. He does whine if you are in the house and he is kenneled, but he does settle in after a little bit.

Hamilton is a special little boy. He was born with a severe heart defect that affected him tremendously. Once he got to Fetch, he had surgery with the UW cardiology vets. After a couple months of recovery, his heart is pumping like it should and is healthy! Hamilton is such a character, has a sparkling personality with a little hint of stubbornness. Potty training is going really well now that the cold weather is past us. He's a quick learner and is getting more responsible each day. He is a lover and has a hard time containing his licker, so I hope you like pupper kisses!



