Frank Sinatra

terrier Mix | male | 2 Years Old | 80 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Great running buddy!


Congrats to Frank for his adoption on August 11, 2020!

Frank will normally wake up around 7-8 am and ask to be let out. On workdays, he stays contently in his crate, but has also been let out to roam with no trouble. He normally gets a medium walk in the morning and a longer one in the evening. On the weekends, he loves to go for longer trips to the park and getting stimulation. He gets dinner around 6pm and we have been helping transition his food with supplemental eggs!

Frank is an absolute sweetheart. I have never heard him growl or act aggressively in any way. He is always kind, and curious when meeting new people. He can be gentle when he needs to be, although loves to make a first impression by jumping up onto people. He certainly thinks he is a lapdog.

He has a medium to high energy level and would benefit from having a fenced outdoor area or consistent walks. He does get stir-crazy if he hasn't had much stimulation and will pull on the leash if he is overly energetic. However, 2-3 walks a day certainly tire him out and if he ran very hard the previous day he will spend the next one mostly resting.

Frank is very gentle and appropriate when meeting new dogs. We have not had any incidents on his end and he has even shown composure and cool headedness when other dogs have acted aggressively toward him. We haven't met any cats but Fetch can cat test him.

When Frank is alone, he normally likes to find a cool spot to lie down. He also likes to chew on toys and other dog treats. Finally, he loves looking out the window, or even at himself in a mirror!

Frank is a very kind and sweet dog that will fit right in. We are very sorry to see him go, and I know he will make another family very happy. He is responsive to training and could benefit greatly from some formal lessons. He gets along very well with other dogs and is very cuddly. I guarantee you will fall in love.

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