
collie/pointer Mix | Female | 7 months Old | 35 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


June 12th marks Elsi’s adoption day!

Elsi is a fun, smart, loving and energetic young pup. She loves playing with toys, chewing on hard chews/bones and playing with one of my resident dogs out in the yard. She also loves her humans and will roll over for belly rubs any chance she gets. She even likes to occasionally snuggle.

Elsi would do great in a home with another young dog to play with. She loves to run and to chase and be chased by one of our resident dogs. A fenced-in yard to play in would be a bonus. I also have two senior dogs, who aren't up for play anymore, and she is very respectful of them and their space. Doggy daycare would be great for Elsi so she can play and socialize.

She has been great around other dogs and people. She is timid at first, but eventually warms up. As mentioned, I have a younger dog and two senior dogs and she is great with both. Elsi has done well with other dogs she has met in the neighborhood. The only exposure to kids is saying "hi" to our neighbors young kids. She did well with them. She has not had exposure to a cat in our care. Elsi loves to chase birds and bugs. She hasn't been exposed to small critters so I'm not sure how she would react.

Elsii walks great on a leash. She doesn't pull and hasn't show any signs of reactivity.

Elsi has never had an accident in the house. I let her out right away if she wakes up first or right when I wake up. She hasn't pottied for me on a leash during a walk, but when my parents sat for her, Elsi would potty when on a tie-out/leash when walked around the yard - their yard is not fenced-in so that was her only option. My yard is fenced-in so she can free roam in our yard.

She does well in a crate. Elsi may cry at first, but will settle down. We make sure to give her treats when being put in her crate.

Elsi has shown interest in chewing shoes. We try to keep ours put away and if we catch her with one, we redirect her with a toy. She hasn't destroyed any shoes, but we keep a close enough eye on her so she hasn't gotten that far. Elsi is a young dog and in a curious and chewy phase. When out in the yard, we keep an eye on her to make sure she isn't getting into anything she isn't supposed to. She has picked at a couple of my plants and picked up some rocks and mulch. She has dug a little, but not much or often. She loves food and treats so we are careful about leaving anything out where she might be able to access it. She has not begged for food.

We have only left her free roaming in the house while we are gone for a very short time (15 mins) and she did fine, but any longer and she gets put in her crate. Because she sometimes gets into things she isn't supposed to, we haven't trusted her to free roam for longer periods of time. With time, I think she will be able to free roam. Tiring her out beforehand would be helpful.

A typical weekday for Elsi - wakes up usually between 5:30am-6:30am. She goes back to bed or plays for a bit while we get ready for work. She then eats breakfast. If she did not poo when initially let out, we will let her out a short while after breakfast. She will go outside a couple of times during the day. She spends most of the day napping or playing. After work, she goes outside for a bit to potty and play before dinner. After dinner she goes for a nice walk. We will occasionally do a morning or mid-day walk. After the evening walk, she likes to play with toys or play in the yard. Then some evening lounge time and one last potty break before bed. Elsi sleeps through the night.

Elsi has young pup energy so will need plenty of exercise whether it be from walks, yard play, daycare, dog park outings, having a playmate of similar energy level, etc. She has shown some interest in playing Fetch too.



