
German shepherd | Female | 5 years Old | 79 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Potty Trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good running buddy!

Eden found her family on 9/3/2022!


Playtime! https://youtu.be/RriLYEhJjZk

Eden gets the Zoomies! https://youtu.be/TWd4rA-cjaY


Eden has been very busy the last few weeks making tons of new friends! She's cleaned up her puppy manners quite nicely and now has full access to the daily play groups in her foster home! She prefers friends her own size who can play just as hard as she can, but she's very polite with others and has learned to give others space when they ask for it. We're still working on reining in Eden's excessive love for every human she's ever met as she has a tendency to forget not everyone appreciates her desire to enthusiastically greet you with a big hug. She has yet to meet a human or a dog she isn't instant best friends with; she's a fabulous patio dog -- as long as you don't mind others interrupting your meal to meet her!


Eden is by far the easiest dog I've ever fostered! She is very easygoing and is eager to please. While in foster care, she's rarely barked - the exception being an energetic play session or if she thinks she's waited long enough to greet a new person and she will remind you she's still here and waiting impatiently to say hello. She has learned how to spend a full workday waiting patiently in her crate -- as long as she has adequate outlets for her energy before and after. She has yet to meet a dog or a human she doesn't immediately want to befriend. Eden has gotten much better at reading dog cues and now effortlessly leaves dogs alone who aren't interested in playing with her. She always matches the playstyle of her playmates and prefers rolling around on the ground as opposed to pouncing on her friends. She has plenty of puppy energy and antics thus still hasn't earned free-roaming when alone privileges, but she's more than okay with this arrangement -- she snuggles into her crate with a chew or a bone and waits until you're ready for the next adventure. Eden will do anything -- literally, anything -- for a snack or her food, making her incredibly fun and easy to train. She is also a perfect passenger in the car and is happy to ride either in a crate or sitting nicely in the backseat watching out the window. Meet this girl today if you're looking for your next forever adventure buddy!


Eden has been in her Wisconsin foster home for just about 3 weeks now and has shown she can be a dignified southern belle! She's hanging out in a foster home with a dog trainer/sitter so has daily opportunities to play and socialize with groups of dogs and she's catching on very well to dog cues and how to play politely and respectfully with others. We've also been working on a more typical routine for Eden, so currently she gets an hour or two of activity in the morning, 30-60 minutes around mid-day most days, and another hour or two in the evening. In the right setting, I do think Eden could be a candidate now for daycare for accommodating her high-energy and social nature. She usually runs a few miles most days with her foster parent and enjoys this, so if you've been looking for a running partner, Eden is game!


Meet Eden! This 5 years young German Shepherd is full of spice and mischief and is looking for the perfect companion to keep up with her! Most importantly, this striking girl needs an owner who understands the personality of a German Shepherd and the value of giving her a job to keep her out of trouble.

Eden's favorite activities include wrestling and playing very rough with the pups in her foster home, eating, and playing in any body of water she can find:  water buckets, pools, creeks - if there's water, she's in it!

Eden is currently hanging out in a multi-dog foster home and doing very well. There are three other high-energy pups that she loves romping around the yard with. She's also met a few high-energy puppies and she is able to adapt her play style to match theirs. However, I wouldn't rely on Eden being a daycare or dogpark candidate to get that energy of hers out -- with her play style, in an unchecked group of dogs, play could escalate and get out of hand very quickly. Another high-energy pup in her forever home or a small group of dogs you know well, however, would suit her quite well.

She has no known exposure to cats or young kids; she has been very friendly with every dog and human she's met thus far. She does have a very dominating play style though and very submissive dogs have been quickly overwhelmed by her.

Eden is perfectly house trained, crate trained, and a pro in the car - either tethered or crated. She has a wild side and is extremely curious, so has not been given free-roam privileges when home alone. She is content in her crate overnight and while home alone and has no indicators of separation anxiety. She thus far has been more interested in playing with dogs than toys, and gets a little distracted on leash when she sees something, especially dogs, she wants to go investigate or say "hi!" to.

On a recent vet exam, she did test positive for Anaplasmosis and Ehrichlea antibodies. She has no clinical signs, but is being treated with a round of antibiotics per rescue protocol.

For more of Eden's daily adventures, join her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/fetchwieden/



