
Golden Retriever | Female | 8 Weeks Old | 15 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Good in the car! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Denver is a very sweet and rambunctious little golden! She is only 8 weeks old so she is exploring the world and doing puppy things! Denver is learning how to be a golden from my 3-year-old and wants to follow her (or me) everywhere we go. She will definitely be your shadow.

We are currently working on potty training (using bells to signal needing to go out) and crate training, but it is going very well so far. Lots of positive reinforcement and yummy treats go a long way! She will whine for a little while before falling asleep, but it gets better every day. Because she is little, she has only been able to make it about 3-4 hours at night before needing to get out and go potty. During the day, she takes little naps in her crate or on the hardwood floor where it's nice and cool. She usually has to go potty right away after she wakes up so I take her outside and then we have a little playtime.

Denver is very smart and has already learned "sit" and is slowly learning "come" when I call her! She occasionally gets into trouble for biting and chewing on things she is not supposed to, but she can be redirected by giving her a chew toy to play with instead! She has met several young children and has done very well. She lets them carry her all over the place and only got a little mouthy when she was over-tired and needed a nap.

Denver is just a baby so she will need lots of time, patience, and training. If you are ready to take on a gorgeous, sweet, loving golden retriever puppy, Denver could be the one for you!

Due to Denver’s age, she has not yet been spayed. She will be adopted out with an addendum to the adoption agreement to be altered at an appropriate age.



