
labrador retriever Mix | male | 4 Years Old | 50 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Great running buddy! ✔️ House broken!

❌ Working on leash manners ❌ Separation anxiety


Colby is proud to announce his adoption day was September 1, 2020!

Colby starts his day when his humans decide to get up, which is anywhere from 7 - 9 am. He then usually goes on a 1-2 mile walk or run, followed by breakfast. He mostly lounges on the couch while we are working from home. He enjoys sitting in the sun and looking out the window. He gets a short walk at lunchtime and then goes right back to his couch spot. He’ll start to get some more energy around 4 pm, so we’ll play with some toys together - tug of war is his favorite! He gets dinner around 5:30 pm and then we go for either a longer walk or a jog in the evening. He gets a final quick bathroom break before bed and then likes to curl up at the bottom of the bed to sleep (sometimes he asks to snuggle up under the covers near my feet).

Colby has been working on his nice introduction manners. He gets excited when new people come over, and will jump up to say ‘hello’. Once the initial ‘hello’ is over he is good about staying down and then likes to get pets from the new human friends.

Colby is a high energy dog who needs exercise or play time. The runs, walks, and play time that we do with his routine are usually enough to keep him from getting too rambunctious in my apartment, although sometimes he does have a case of the zoomies during the evening. After a brief moment of jumping around, he is doing a better job at getting one of his chew toys and calming himself down. Colby is working on his leash manners and has shown great improvements in one week! He is doing well on the leash during the morning and afternoon, but during the evening when he has the most energy he forgets and likes to pull. He is leash-reactive to other dogs, and will pull hard out of excitement if he sees another dog. We’ve been using a harness during our walks which has helped. He is always friendly with other dogs we’ve met on walks, but he is usually too excited and pulls too much that he hasn’t been able to get introduced to too many dog friends yet. He has not been introduced to any cats yet, but can be cat tested by Fetch if your home has cats.

Colby has a little bit of separation anxiety and doesn’t like when we leave. He will bark when we leave, and we’ve been using a bark collar which works well to keep him quiet while we’re away. We’re still working on crate training. He’s been in the crate a few times but has to be lured in with lots of treats. We’ve been feeding him in the crate to get him more comfortable with the idea of it.

Little Colby has attended doggy daycare in the past. He can sometimes play rough is dogs so a dog matching his style would be good!

Colby is a sweet boy and is looking for someone to give him the love, attention, and training he needs. He is not destructive of things that aren’t his, is house trained, and knows basic commands like ‘sit’, ‘stay’ and ‘down’. He enjoys getting to go on adventures and is a great running buddy. He would do well with an active family lifestyle, and I think he would love to have a fenced in yard he could run around in.



