Cha Cha

Pug/beagle Mix | Female | 2 years Old | 36 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car!

❌ Working on leash manners!


Cha marks January 21, 2021 as her happy ending day!


Cha Cha continues to provide daily laughs and snuggles in our home. Being from Texas originally, she has a love/hate relationship with the snow. She loves to stick her whole face in the snowdrifts searching for treasures and often gets the zoomies running in the backyard. She is not a huge fan of going out when there are big, wet flakes falling and would prefer to stay cuddled up on the couch.

Over the holidays, Cha Cha loved taking daily hikes to explore various Dane County parks with her foster brother and family. She is a great, respectful hiker most of the time, but is definitely still working through her training on ignoring the other dogs she sees on leash. She’s happy to ride in the car to get to her adventures and takes her role as co-pilot very seriously. An additional dog stayed at our house the week before Christmas, and we discovered that Cha Cha does much better with more tolerant dogs and/or submissive dogs that are willing to engage in a bit of play. The visiting dog was dog reactive and preferred to be left alone, and Cha Cha couldn’t seem to read his signals and definitely fed off of this energy. They had to enjoy opening their Christmas presents separately this year. Cha Cha continues to strengthen her bond with our resident dog and has recently achieved her goal of getting him to chase her through the snow maze we shoveled in the backyard. They frequently team up to ensure that the neighborhood turkeys know that.

Cha Cha has some tartar accumulation so dental treats help slow down the tartar. An adopter should expect a dental in the next 1-2 years.

Cha Cha is ready to become your loyal companion and be with you for new memories and adventures in the New Year!


Cha Cha has settled in well and is a delight to have in our home. Though she is still a great snuggler, she is becoming a little more independent. While she is still often found near her foster father, she’s also likely to be in another room just napping or entertaining herself with a stuffed toy. She continues to love talking a few walks a day, and longer strolls on the weekend. Cha Cha is still reactive to other dogs on the leash, but continues to improve if you get her to focus on you with some high value treats. She been able to meet several dogs on the leash and once the distance is closed, she is back to her happy self. She also met a pack of Pekingese and was very gentle. Her separation anxiety is improving as well now that she has realized that her people will come back to her. She whines for a couple of minutes, if at all, but settles down quickly and finds a spot on the couch to take a snooze. If you are looking for a loyal, goofy gal, Cha Cha could be the perfect fit.


Here is Cha Cha (fka as Chunk), a super sweet bundle of Puggle energy. While she’s officially a Puggle mix, she has all of the characteristics shown when you Google ‘Pug temperament.’ A few that stick out include “determined, ”spirited,” and “a delightful blend of dignity and comedy.” Specifically, she is a very determined, spirited and silly snuggler. She’s allowed on one of our couches and is always determined to get right on top of her foster father in the morning and provide him as much love as she can. Cha Cha also enjoys playing in the backyard and is a spirited fetcher. She gets along well with our resident dog and has great off-leash play skills. Cha Cha is on the higher side of medium energy. She can be pretty determined when wanting to play, but once worn out she’s great at relaxing on the dog bed and entertaining herself with stuffed toys.

While Cha Cha is definitely a delightful blend of dignity and comedy, she has some areas she is working on and will require someone that can be dedicated to her training. Right now, her foster family is working on her separation anxiety and leash reactivity. Her separation anxiety is not destructive, but she barks and whines continuously when her foster father leaves. She doesn’t mind when her foster mom leaves, but she is very bonded to her foster father. While she is working through this, she would not do well in a setting with shared walls. Cha Cha is also working through some significant leash reactivity that has started since she arrived. She walks well next to her foster brother, but she is leash reactive towards other dogs. She barks and jumps and is generally difficult to control when we encounter another dog. With the time and training Cha Cha deserves, she will be the most loyal companion you could ever need! We haven't seen her with cats, but her fosters down south said she has chased cats in the past. She might do best in a home without cats.



