
german shepherd Mix | Female | 7 months Old | 40 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good running buddy!

❌ Working on leash manners! ❌ Kids over 12 years old!


Adopted on October 8, 2020!


Cassie just started going to daycare this week, and I think her first report card sums up her personality very well: "Cassie is such a sweet girl. She came in so strong and played right away! It was non stop playing with ALL the puppies!" She is loving the opportunity to play all day, and she is so tired out and snuggly afterwards! 

On days that she doesn't go to daycare, it really helps for her to have an outlet for her energy in a low-distraction environment, like playing in a fenced yard, or walking on trails. She is getting better every day at being brave on walks in the neighborhood, even when cars drive by! But she is still fairly distracted by everything going on in the neighborhood, and needs other exercise options mixed in.


Cassie sleeps in her crate and usually whines to go out between 6-7 am. She'll run around and play in the yard for a while, then we'll come in for breakfast. She is crated during the day while I work. In the evening, we'll usually take a nice long trail walk and get some snuggle time in.

This girl LOVES people. Cassie gets so excited and she wags her whole body! She will jump up when she gets too excited. She is working on learning that she gets pets and belly rubs when she is sitting nicely.

Cassie has a lot of puppy energy and loves to run around and play. She pulls a bit on leash, and her fears of cars and loud noises make it hard to walk her on a busy street. Cassie does great on pack walks on trails with some of the other Fetch dogs.

She loves other dogs! Cassie loves to play, and having other dogs around really helps her confidence. She hasn't met any cats, but she has a strong prey drive towards other small animals. Cassie can be cat tested by Fetch if needed.

Cassie is crated whenever I can't supervise her. If she's left out unsupervised, she will counter surf and try to chew on anything she's not supposed to. She does well in her crate, and she loves getting a frozen Kong treat toy when she goes in!

Cassie is extremely sweet and has a lot of love to give! When she gets out of her crate, she can barely contain her excitement to see her person again! (We are working on expressing her excitement without jumping up) She is a big fan of playing with toys, especially fetch and tug. She also loves to give kisses and have her belly rubbed. Cassie would love a family that is patient and committed to helping her continue overcoming her fears and becoming more confident.



