
Golden Retriever | male | 7 Months Old | 42 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Loves to be outside! ✔️ Loves attention! ✔️ Crate training in progress! ✔️ Working on leash manners! ❌ No apartments!


Bruce took a little while to settle in to our home when he first came into foster care. He is still a timid dog who is learning that he does not have to be scared of the world. He may benefit from another dog in the home to help him get over his fears. He does love to get attention and loves to be pet when he can see that you are gentle and not someone he should be scared of. We also have never seen him growl or act aggressive toward anyone - he will cower when unsure.

Bruce sleeps through the night in his crate. He does sometimes whine for a while before falling asleep but does not need to be let out in the middle of the night. When he gets up he goes outside and then gets his breakfast. He has some playtime with our two resident dogs for a couple of hours in the morning. Bruce does not like going into the kennel but once he is in he is quiet while I work from home. If Bruce is left unsupervised he may chew on furniture or other non-toy items so it is best to have him in a kennel when you are not with him.

After work Bruce gets more playtime with our resident dogs. He likes to be outside and is learning to play fetch. As he becomes more comfortable in our house he is more playful and energetic.

Bruce is working on potty training and has had several pooping accidents in the house despite being let outside regularly. Bruce does not like the leash and we have been trying to get him more used to it by walking around our yard and taking him on short walks with our 9 year old yellow lab.

Bruce has met several dogs while with us and has done well. Initially he was timid and needed time to warm up but now that he is more comfortable in our home he seems more open to meeting new dogs (and people).

If you are ready to give this sweet boy lots of love and help him gain confidence he will be a loyal family member.



