
Basenji Mix | Female | 3 years Old | 52 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good with older children! ✔️ Would do well in an apartment! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Housebroken! ❌ Needs slow intros to new people!

Brownie found her forever home on June 12, 2022!



Brownie recently stayed with a sitter for 9 days and had a great time! Here's what her sitter had to say about her:

"Brownie is 100% potty trained! She has been an amazingly easy dog over the past 9 days in my care. Let me count the ways!

Brownie was a tiny bit shy initially, but warmed up before the day was over. She took a few days to warm up to my husband, but is in love with him now!

Brownie went on many long walks, and I would give her an A for leash walking. She met many people and dogs on our walks. She either ignored them (people) or was comfortable meeting new people, especially if they were walking a dog themselves. I did hear a quiet growl when a child was running toward her suddenly. This seemed to be a fear response and she settled quickly when I said it was okay. She may be better with older children, but it wasn't completely clear while in my care.

Brownie doesn't bark much at all. She made a sound once, briefly in the 9 days I had her. Given how quiet she is, I think she would be great for apartment living.

Brownie responds to "no" very quickly if she is about to do something you don't want her to do (such as going on a piece of furniture you don't want her on). She absolutely loves her crate (sleeps in it all night and while people are gone from the home), is great in the car, is submissive, wants to please and doesn't beg, but definitely loves her treats! She really enjoys watching activity outside the front window, loves lying in the sunshine and just being by your side. She is a cuddler and a sweetheart.

Brownie is the perfect dog for someone who lives alone, has another dog, or possibly a family with older children. She is an easy, obedient, loving girl who would make a wonderful addition to any home!"


Brownie's day typically starts around 7, when she and her buddy Blue are ready to go for a short walk and potty. After we get home it's on to breakfast, after which she and Blue usually spend some time wrestling, playing tug or lounging around. Since we are working on potty training, I usually let her out again around 11 and then we go for a long walk in the afternoon. Then on to more play and chill time with a yogurt kong somewhere in between. In the evening, Brownie is pretty tired from all the fun she's had and absolutely LOVES to cuddle and chill on the couch. No lap is too small for this girl. Before heading to her crate for bed, Brownie gets dinner and another quick trip outside.

Brownie has exhibited some apprehension about meeting new people, so she would do best with slow introductions. Once she has established trust, in my experience, she is the most loving, sweet, loyal dog who just wants to be right by your side.

Brownie is a medium energy gal who is very eager to walk and play but also loves a good nap and cuddle. Since this pretty girl is working on her weight a bit, it's definitely important that she gets her play time and at least one long walk in every day. She's been working on her leash manners a bit, but is doing much better with learning the cues "wait" and "keep going" since she tends to get very excited about all the smells.

Brownie has done incredibly well with my resident dog. She loves to wrestle and play tug and is very good at reading cues for when it's time to settle down. I haven't observed Brownie exhibit any kind of aggression towards him or other dogs who we might encounter on walks. She has not had exposure to cats while in my care.

Brownie always goes in her crate when she is going to be left alone. After being guided to her crate, she strolls right in and stays quiet as a mouse until she is let out.

Brownie just wants a new best friend to give all her love to. If you're looking for a dog that loves to play but also loves a good cuddle, Brownie could be the one for you!



