
Hound Mix | Female | 2 years Old | 33 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Walks well on a leash! ❌ No apartments!

Boots found her family on August 19, 2022!


***photo credit: professional photos by Miriam Bulcher Luxury Portraits


Bootsie continues to do well in our home.  Almost all of her pups have found their forever homes and Boots is ready for her turn! She is the sweetest pup that loves her humans. She is quick with the kisses so you would have to be ready for all of her affection. She is a hilarious pup that loves to hide her treasures in safe spots around the house. She even tried to hide her chew bone in a (clean) litter box once. She seems to be calming down with chasing the kitty but still gets excited about her every once in awhile. I'm definitely more confident now that Boots could live with a kitty. She saw a rabbit out the window just one time and now she can't get enough of window watching. She would love a cozy bench or couch in front of a window. Boots would make an awesome walking buddy and snuggly companion. She does great in her crate at night but would LOVE to be a bed dog and curl up with her people every night.  


This petite, very typical, houndy girl traveled to Madison from Louisiana in the middle of May.  Boots was very pregnant at the time and has spent the last few months raising her TEN babies.  She is now ready to find a forever family of her own.  The first thing people note when they meet Boots is how very sweet she is.  She is a complete love and enjoys curling up on the couch with her people and dog friends.

Boots is still a young pup so she will need some help with learning boundaries and some household manners.  She can get mouthy when excited, steals things from the end table, chews things that she finds interesting even if they aren’t for her and thinks you always want to share your snack with her.  She typically does well with just verbal correction.  She recalls fairly well in the yard but if her houndy nose is going, she needs a bit more corralling. 

Boots is a medium-energy pup but does show periods of higher activity.  She loves to run zooms, play chase in the yard, and wrestle with the other pups.  She walks pretty well on leash and typically only pulls when she sees a rabbit or a squirrel but she does like to stop and sniff things periodically.  She does have a strong prey drive and checks the perimeter of the yard to make sure there are no intruders present when we go outside. It is important to note that Boots can be a chatterbox.  She will bark to engage play with other dogs, bark at dogs and people she hears on the other side of the fence, has barked at other dogs on walks a couple times and will bark in her crate for a bit until she settles in.  For this reason, Boots would not be a good fit for a housing arrangement with shared walls.  

Boots has done well with all the pups she has met.  She currently lives with two adult dogs in her foster home and has won them over.  They can be slow to warm up to other adult dogs but she has them wrestling with her daily.  She has also met several other adult dogs and puppies we have had in our home and it doesn’t take her long to engage them in play.  She can be persistent in trying to get another dog to play, even when the other pup is taking a break (will bark at them) so a pup that has a similar energy level as Boots and likes to play would likely be the best fit. 

Boots has done well meeting new people.  When new people first come into our home, she might bark a little bit.  Once the person sits down, Boots is begging for attention.  Meeting people on leash outside of our home typically results in less barking.  She has met several of the neighbor kids and done well.  She is initially very curious about them.  Since she can get excited and mouthy, we suggest close supervision until she better understands those boundaries.  

Boots has a hot and cold relationship with the cats.  When she first came she mostly ignored the cats and she sometimes ignores the cats still.  As she has gotten more comfortable, she will sometimes chase the cat or corner it and bark at it but she has never tried to hurt the cat.  I think Boots could live with a cat but it would really depend on what your cat is willing to tolerate and would require some boundary setting initially while everyone adjusts to each other.

Boots has shown some mild separation anxiety when left alone.  She with fuss/bark in the crate and if left out of the crate will paw at blinds/scratch at the door to try and see where we went.  We typically crate her when we leave to avoid any issues with that.  She has shown improvement with this anxiety but will still need some support in addressing this.  She is crated during the day with a long lunch break and is crated overnight (though she should be MORE than happy to be a bed dog) without a potty break.  She is currently crated in a room adjacent to the room I work in so she can hear me but can’t see me and she stays relatively quiet.  We are working on moving her further away from me while I work.  Boots had a few accidents before and shortly after she had her pups but she hasn’t had any accidents in over a month now. 

When Boots went in for an x-ray to confirm her pregnancy, the vet noticed she had some old leg injuries (healed fractures). The injuries healed without treatment.  She doesn’t seem painful in either leg and no indicators of this issue were noted prior to the x-ray.  She zips and zooms around the yard with no problem.  We have been giving her daily joint support chews as there is the potential for arthritis development.    

Boots has spent much of her life caring for puppies.  She was a great momma but she is ready to live her best life without having to worry about hungry, little ones chasing her around.  She would be a wonderful companion for a family and would love a yard to play chase in with lots of shady spots to relax outdoors.  She loves watching critters through the window, so being able to live out her dreams of chasing squirrels and rabbits would be at the top of her wish list.  



