
Catahoula Leopard Dog Mix | Female | 8 Months Old | 35 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Loves to snuggle! ✔️ Good in the car! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!


Check out a video of Bonnie playing here & join in on her daily life on Instagram!


If you’ve been wanting your very own House Elf, you need to meet Bonnie! Especially since pictures do not do her gorgeous coloring justice! Bonnie is Alabama born and, as puppies go, the total package. She loves every human she’s ever met, kiddos included! She LOVES to give hugs. And kisses. Usually simultaneously. She is currently hanging out in a multi-dog foster home and doing very well. While she does enjoy playing with her canine housemates, she would be just fine as an only-dog as well. She’s a little bit on the shier side as she settles in, so she’s quickly been gaining confidence following her older fur siblings around and catching on quickly to the house rules. She hasn’t met cats, but while I’d see her being curious about them, with appropriate introductions I think she could learn to cohabitate with them.

Leash walking is new to Bonnie and she is akin to a baby giraffe while she’s learning. She’s a quick study who is very food motivated, but this is likely to be a work in progress. She is uncertain of a lot of things that are unfamiliar to her: flights of stairs, large water dishes, the robot vacuum… But once she’s been exposed to things in a positive manner, she’s proving to be fearless. That said, I’m not sure a downtown environment is her scene: She’s only ever been a rural girl and would do best in an apartment in the suburbs, a subdivision neighborhood, or with some land to run and play on.

Bonnie also has not exhibited any separation anxiety in her foster home, although she does enjoy being near her humans. She is a curious little puppy though so, given the opportunity, she could certainly entertain herself by redecorating your home. Crating her when unsupervised is highly recommended - and in fact preferred by her! When you’re home together, she loves quietly entertaining herself with a selection of toys at your feet or napping nearby. Speaking of naps… Bonnie sleeps though the night without a peep! In fact, she rarely even barks! When she gets the zoomies, she may bark out of excitement, but we redirect her energy to more appropriate outlets, and she carries on in quieter exuberance. She has not had any accidents in her foster home, but she follows a schedule with frequent restroom opportunities and time outside to keep her successful.

She is best described as a “character” and is certain to provide you with daily laughs as she learns to navigate the world with you!



