
Dachshund Mix | male | 2 months Old | 4.5 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with dogs, cats and kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Blinky found his family on November 17, 2020!

Blinky spends the night in his crate that is kept in our bedroom. Sometimes he wakes once needing to go out, but usually sleeps through the night. We usually get up around 6:30 am and take him outside for a quick potty. We're still working on potty training so during work hours we usually keep him in his crate unless he's just gone out. I take him for a walk around the block at lunchtime and again after picking up my daughter at daycare. He seems to enjoy riding along in the car to pick her up. After the evening walk, he plays with us inside and/or outside - he loves playing fetch with stuffed animals, chewing on toys, and just running around with my kids. He likes to cozy up with me while I'm reading or watching TV later in the evening, and around 10 when we put him in the crate for the night.

When Blinky's surprised by people, either because they appear unexpectedly or because he sees them far away, he often growls and barks. But as soon as he is approached by them and able to sniff them, he's friendly and happy to play and be picked up. He's met strangers on walks and family members both in our house and in other places and, although he's sometimes initially wary, he's never aggressive and quickly warms up and wants to play.

Blinky is great with my kids who are 4 years old and 9 years old. He lets them carry him and loves to run around with them in the back yard. He's only met one other child since we've had him, but he was great with that boy too.

This is our first puppy so I don't have much to compare to, but I think Blinky's energy level is probably about standard for a puppy. We take him on a few walks around the block every day, and a few more times briefly just for potty breaks. In the evenings, we usually spend a half hour to an hour playing fetch and running around. He's good both on and off leash. He stays with us in the yard without a leash even though it's not fenced in. On leash he needs some encouragement sometimes to keep moving but generally seems to enjoy trotting along beside us.

Blinky has been great with the other dogs we've met. He may growl or bark when he sees them from far away, but when he meets them and they've done some sniffing he's happy to either play or ignore.

Blinky has been in the same house as cats and shown some interest in them but made no move to attack or chase them.

Because of Covid, Blinky isn't left alone very often. However, he does do well left in his crate alone in the bedroom. He whimpers and wines a little bit at first but settles down quickly.

Blinky has been a wonderful first foster for us!



