
Poodle/Maltese Mix | male | 1 year Old | 11 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and cats! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Some resource guarding!


 Bill found his people May 19, 2021!

Say hello to Bill, aka Bilbo, aka Billiam, aka Silly Billy! Bill likes to start the day with some play time and a short walk. He then eats breakfast in his crate and settles in while I'm working. We take a short potty break at lunch time and then Bill hangs out in his crate again until I'm done working. Then we will play in the yard, play with toys, or snuggle for the rest of the evening. Bill really like rolling around in the grass and just hanging out with a good bone or antler toy.

Bill can be pretty shy especially with men. He has never been mean or aggressive towards new people but he will cower or run and hide if he is overwhelmed. When he went to a sitter's house for a couple days, he mostly just hung out in his crate as a safe space since their house had more going on than mine. Bill is quite gentle with people once he is comfortable with them and within a day was coming up to me and asking for pets and letting me pick him up and such. Because Bill is so shy with new people, adopters should be very careful to keep him well leashed on walks at first since he will dart away if spooked and he isn't comfortable with you yet.

He met a young child while he was with a sitter for a couple days and seemed a little overwhelmed with the child but also did not bother her. Bill would likely appreciate a quieter home where he can relax more.

Bill is a good medium energy level as he will run around and play fetch in the yard but is plenty happy to chill out with a bone or toy inside. He is not super comfortable with leash walking yet but does enjoy being outside for walks. With practice and confidence building, I believe Bill will be an avid walker!

Bill does pretty well with other dogs and absolutely ADORES his best friend Sesame who he currently lives with. He also enjoys playing with my 3 month old puppy. He growls a bit if other dogs come at his food or particularly good bones he has but has not resource guarded with me and I just feed him separately. He lets his best friend Sesame come near his food without problem. Bill also lives with my two cats right now and has not bothered them.

Bill has marked a couple times when he gets access to new places in my home, so I have him wear a belly band any time he's exploring a new space in my house and he doesn't mind the belly band much. Otherwise Bill has seemed to do pretty well without accidents. I crate Bill any time I leave him alone. He will bark and whine for a couple minutes at first when left alone but will quiet down easily with a "shush" and then stays quiet until you're going to let him out.

Bill is a very fun little guy who will be such a fun companion for a slightly quieter home or anyone who is happy to do a bit of confidence building with him!



