
Great Pyrenees | male | 2 1/2 Years Old | 75 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Loves people! ✔️ Good in the car!

Banks found his home for the holidays on 12/14/2022!



Banks loves the snow!


Banks sleeps all through the night on our bedroom floor. We usually get him up around 6 AM and within 10 minutes take him out for a walk. He likes to walk for about 35 minutes and get all the sniffs! Sometimes he stops to look around and take in his surroundings. When we get back from walk, he likes to be outside for a little bit longer on his lead. He will run around with a toy or chew on a bone. When he comes in, he like to make himself comfortable on the couch and takes a nap for a couple hours. When he wakes up, he usually bumps the back door knob with his nose and I let him out on his lead. No matter how cold it's been, sometimes he really just enjoys sitting outside and will relax out in our backyard. Around 12:30ish-1 PM we go for another 35-45 minute walk and come home to train some tricks or do a game or a Kong filled with frozen wet food. Throughout the rest of the day, Banks toggles between resting on the couch and taking time outside on the lead. In the evening, he sleeps on the couch until we take him for one last potty break (about a 20-25 minute walk) and we come home to go to bed. When it's time for bed, we go to our bedroom and give him his favorite bone and he sleeps through the night.

Banks is a social butterfly! He loves everyone and wants everyone to know that he loves them. He welcomes people into our home and doesn't bark at knocking or the doorbell. He doesn't jump up on people. He has interest in greeting most people on our walks. He is very easy-going with other people whether he shows it by sleeping by them or letting them pet him. He really loves the presence of people.

Banks has met our neighbor's kids and a few kids on our walks. We encourage the kids to speak calmly to Banks when greeting him and he sits and offers them a paw or lays down. He loves the pets and attention!

He is a medium-energy boy! In general, he has a couple 10-15 minute high play situations outside on his lead and a couple 30-35 minute walks with a shorter walk in the evening before bed. During the day, he likes to lounge around and sleep or work on a bone. He will sleep on the couch and get up and move to sleep on the floor. He is very smart, so we do a few enrichment activities throughout the day to challenge his mind. He likes doing doggy puzzles or training some of his tricks. He knows "come," "potty" (our command for outside), "leave it," and "off." We are working on "watch me," "place," and "sit" and have seen him make a lot of progress in a short time with those commands.

He likes and gets along with most dogs! He has met many dogs on our walks and expresses interest in wanting to play with them. When we pass by reactive, loud, or barking dogs, Banks will stop sometimes to look, but most of the times he passes by them and doesn't bark back. On occasion, during the day he will bark a couple times to let us know that someone is walking by with their dog. We acknowledge that "it's okay" that someone is walking by and thank him for letting us know - that seems good enough for him! Banks is with another dog at his sitter's house and really likes having the presence of another dog there.

Banks does very well with our cat. The co-exist peacefully. Our cat has a room she likes to go in and Banks will go look in her room, but doesn't go in. Our cat is very food motivated and will express interest in his food during feeding time and he doesn't show any resource guarding. On occasion he shows extra interest in our cat, we tell him "leave it" and he does. They both like to sit on the couch with us in the evenings.

Banks does not like being alone. He expresses this by crying or by coming to wherever you are. He wants to be with his people or be where they are. His sitter has noticed that he does well being left alone when he is with her dog!

Banks is Mr. Outdoors! At our house he loves to be out on his lead or in the fenced in yard at his sitter's house. He will go outside and play or sniff or lay down in the grass. He absolutely LOVES the snow. He will scoop it with his nose and run through it, and roll around in it.



