
Chihuahua Mix | Female | 1 year Old | 15 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with older kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

❌ Working on potty training!


Officially adopted February 7, 2021!

Baby is currently living an easy life. She sleeps with my teenage daughter on her bed.  Baby was very happy to be given bed privileges! She likes to fall asleep either on top of the covers between your legs as close to you as she can get, or sometimes she likes to crawl under the covers and sleep at your feet. She doesn’t jump off the bed at all in the middle of the night. She tends to wake up anywhere from 7:30-9:30 am.  When she wakes up, it’s immediately outside for potty and then breakfast.

She spends most of the day on my daughter’s bed sleeping or chewing on flavored bones (which she LOVES) while she’s in online school with the occasional short walk.  Baby loves going on walks and wears a big puffy coat so she doesn’t get too cold. For potty, she is taken out every 3-4 hours during the day and can go through the night (~8.5-9hrs).

Baby hasn’t been kept in her crate for more than 3 hours alone due to no one needing to go anywhere outside the home right now, but she should be able to last hours more in a crate when life returns to normal. We are working on potty training.   We stay outside walking around the yard until she goes (which has sometimes been 10-15 minutes) because if she doesn’t go outside, she will find a place to go inside.

If she is sleeping or just chilling up in my daughters’ room, she won’t have any accidents, but if she comes downstairs where there are people and action, there is a high chance that she will have a pee accident when she very enthusiastically greets them. She gets dinner around 6pm every night. Bedtime is 11pm-12am every night, and it all starts again!

Due to Covid, she has only met a few people with us. She was very shy right off of transport, but when we got home and met my husband and teenage son, there was tail wagging and asking for pets. With the only other interactions we’ve had, she didn’t get overly excited and she went up and asked for pets and was happy. She has been timid at first. Once she gets to know and like you, she will start to jump up on you when she sees you. And she can jump surprisingly high for such a little dog! At only 15 pounds, she doesn’t really do any damage except that, with me, she gets so excited that she pees in the house if she hasn’t been out to go potty just before she sees me. She could benefit from impulse control training to work on her jumping and hopefully that will also calm her enough that the excited peeing stops.

Baby has not been around young children with us but she is a jumper when she meets/sees adults.  She lives with two older teenage kids in her foster home.

Baby is a fairly energetic little dog. Because she is so small and from the south, she hasn’t enjoyed going outside to exercise much. It doesn’t take long for her to get cold and start shaking, even in her adorable fluffy coat. When it is above freezing, she enjoys going for longer walks, especially to new areas with new smells to explore. Below freezing temps, she is entertained chasing balls and pouncing on them in the house. She still must learn how to bring them back. The mental stimulation from training classes and lots of training practice should also help to tire her out this winter.

She wants to be the alpha dog and will growl, bark, and nip at other dogs to try to establish dominance. Baby and our resident dog are not yet buddies but she had a sister dog in her original home and another foster dog she warmed up to in a few days in her foster home down south. On walks, she would bark at other dogs, but I blame that on our dog starting it.  Baby would do best with slow intros to new dogs.

Baby does not have any cats in her foster home.

We put Baby in a crate when we need to leave her alone. She whines on and off for the first 5-10 minutes (thank you Google Meet for allowing us to watch her while away) but then she quiets down. Her whines are very high pitched, almost like a whistle so they are almost funnier than they are annoying.

Baby show some signs of tartar accumulation and would benefit from a dental in the next 1-2 years.

Baby is a VERY affectionate young dog who just wants an owner to love her and spoil her rotten. She is a blank slate for training so you can teach her everything she needs to learn which will help the two of you bond. She is a GREAT lap snuggler and buddy.  All she wants to do is curl up on laps.   She gives lots of very enthusiastic kisses. She’ll curl up next to you in bed at night on the covers or even under! She will be a great companion for many, many years. She’s a warm, sweet little girl who will definitely steal your heart.



