
Golden Doodle mix | male | 5 months Old | 36 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good in the car! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Working through separation anxiety

Archie found his forever family 4/16/2023!


Meet Archie, aka Floof Dogg, Archibald, and King Arch. Archie is a bundle of laughs and puppy antics contained in a very fluffy, yet non-shedding, body. When he trots/prances/bounces through the neighborhood on walks with his fluff flowing in the wind, it is very hard not to laugh out loud. Archie warmed up quickly to his foster parents and 2 dog siblings after spending a bit of time with a sitter. Both his siblings aren’t super interested in playing, and Archie most often respects that. On walks he is interested in greeting other dogs, but is also content to move along. He has gotten pets from our neighbor’s 3-year old, but has not had extensive experience with children and is still a little nervous about unexpected movements and noises. He arrived without house training skills, but with a strict regiment (out every hour and after naps and any food or water) he has learned to potty outdoors with a few accidents still occurring. With his age and only short time spent in a home, his future family will need to continue to focus on reinforcing the good behaviors he’s learned. Archie can tire himself out with a few walks and some play time in the back yard. He is a surprisingly good fetcher (for a puppy), and has shown a lot of interest in getting in the hot tub (which he has certainly not been allowed to do), so he might be a swimmer in the future? Regardless of his future extracurricular activities as a swimmer, Archie will always need to be a regular at the groomer. As a golden doodle, he will need to be groomed every 6 - 8 weeks (and brushed frequently) to prevent matting and keep his coat healthy and soft.

Potentially due to all of the changes in his life or a natural tendency to bond very hard with his people, Archie experiences intense separation anxiety. This manifests as being unable to stay alone in a crate safely at this time and barking/scratching/drooling in the area he is contained in when his family leaves him alone. We are working on slowly building positive associations with his crate (meal times, extremely brief time in crate when we are home) and conditioning him to begin to become more comfortable being alone. This work will undoubtedly need to continue in his future home, and while it is in progress Archie may need to spend time at doggy day care or with a day sitter if everyone needs to be out of the home.

Archie is looking forward to finding his perfect forever family. He brings such an incredible amount of joy to those he interacts with, that a family dedicated to helping him overcome his separation anxiety and build a strong foundation of training and obedience will be rewarded a thousand times over with a loving, loyal, slightly looney partner for life.



