
terrier Mix | male | 9 years Old | 83 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with dogs after slow intros! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone!

✔️ Good in the car! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Working on leash manners! ❌ No cats!


Adopted on July 28, 2021!


Apollo just loves kids! He is doing well on his walks now that he has learned I like him best on my left side. He loves chewing on his toys, does not bother the kid’s stuff. He goes crazy for squeaky toys. Apollo loves a good adventure which includes hiking, canoeing and seeing new places! Check out his adventure photos above!

Apollo has been living his life to the fullest! He accompanied us on a cabin trip to the Upper Peninsula and was a fantastic traveling companion. He did great for a 6-hour car ride, so if you’re looking for a dog to come everywhere and anywhere with you, he’s your guy. He also did well hiking with us and even has his own hiking backpack. He has been going on longer walks and has discovered a love for beach time followed by rolling around in the grass. His leash manners continue to improve and he has a dedicated fan club on our regular walking routes. Overall, Apollo has been thriving and soaking in the warm weather!


Apollo has been enjoying the warmer weather , especially since it means riding in the car and getting to stick his head out the window and going for longer walks. He gets so excited to go outside, he even does a little dance when we bring his harness out! In terms of leash manners, Apollo is improving by leaps and bounds. When using a front clip harness, he no longer pulls or only gives a little tug when he sees another dog. He is rarely vocal when passing other dogs and the few times he has interacted with other dogs on leash, he has been friendly. We are continuing to work with him on leash manners and commands, but he has now mastered the basics of “sit” and “come” and responds to his name. At home, he continues to be sweet and affectionate. Apollo has graduated from sleeping in his crate and now sleeps on his dog bed. He’s an early riser and likes to free roam in the morning and greet his humans.


Apollo wakes up around the time his humans do, goes out for a quick potty break, eats his breakfast, and then takes a post-breakfast nap (the first of many) while his humans work. He lounges and snoozes, occasionally gets up to rub his giant head against his humans' legs to ask for pets and goes out for a short walk during the afternoon. When his humans are done working, he goes out again, comes back in for dinner, gets lots and lots of cuddles, and hangs out for the evening before his bedtime potty break.

Inside the home, Apollo is a snuggle bug. He has not been exposed to people outside the home but does not appear to be wary of strangers. Overall, a very friendly boy!

Apollo lived with multiple young children (ages 3-10) in his previous home and was very gentle and sweet with them. He loves kids and is not rough with them.

He is low to medium energy dog.  Apollo loves his walks but is also content to laze around on his dog bed and just go out to do his business. That being said, he is overweight and needs a dedicated walking routine. The vet has recommended an ideal body weight of 70 pounds.

Apollo has not been exposed to other dogs inside the home, he is the only dog. Outside, Apollo is leash reactive and has not interacted with other dogs due to this. It is likely he was never properly socialized.   Apollo would do best in a home with no cats.

He snoozes hard when left alone and is not destructive at all. Apollo free roams when we are gone and is happy to see us when we return.

Apollo has a history of chronic ear infections. The vet has done two long lasting treatments and his ears have started improving. Apollo had eight teeth removed during his dental this month and he’s now on the mend!

Apollo is a total sweetheart and gentle giant who just wants a forever home with lots of love. He is a sweet, low-maintenance guy who will happily follow you around for hours.



