
Husky mix | 4 Years Old | MALe | 35 LBs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Okay with other dogs! ✔️ Okay in the car! ✔️ Okay on leash ✔️ Could do okay in apartment ✔️ Okay for beginner dog owner 🧸 Loves to play 🥰 Snuggle Pup 😀 Friendly

✅ Super friendly boy!
✅ Very calm & well-mannered.
✅ “This is one amazing boy, hoping for a family or person to love him.”

Wizzy is a great dog! He wants all your love and attention. He loves to meet new people, get pets, chew toys or bones, sleep on the couch, and snuggle with his humans. Surprisingly, Wizzy is quiet for a husky mix. He only seems to bark when he can see other dogs. He is house trained, but can still have some issues related to marking. These issues only seem to be present when exposed to other dogs in the home. He walks well on a leash and has enough energy to walk/jog in the morning (1+ miles). We trained him to heal on your right and that pulling on the leash means we stop. Wizzy knows the command to sit, wait to be released outside, and wait to be released from sitting and staying before eating (sit, stay). He doesn’t bolt immediately like an escape artist when a door opens. He is a very good car rider. Most of the time he sleeps on long drives, or just lays down quietly on shorter trips. Wizzy has been exposed to other dogs, and seems to have some food security issues with smaller dogs. He has not been exposed to other pets, but does show a strong prey drive, so rabbits and bunnies beware! Wizzy can be crated for the day if need be, but has been a model house guest with no accidents or destroying anything. Be sure to leave him with something to gnaw on as this alleviates this stress, as well as comfy bedding as he loves the plush; he likes to live in luxury! Wizzy has mild mobility issues which can make large jumps (such as into a couch or into a car) difficult for him. When Wizzy has to take his medication, we have found success in using pill pockets, hiding it in his wet food, and administering orally. Wizzy also loves belly rubs, and at times believes himself to be small enough to be a lap dog. He would love to spend an hour or two pressed up against your side on the couch. If you’re looking for a calm, low energy, snuggle buddy he’s your dog!



