
Siberian husky Mix | male | 2 years Old | 51 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good running buddy!

✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Ryder found his pack April 23!

Ryder sleeps in his kennel and patiently waits for his foster parents to let him out to go potty. He runs right to the back door, does his business in the backyard and then is ready to wrestle with his husky foster siblings. He practices sit and down before gobbling up his breakfast. Ryder will often take some naps in his kennel while his foster parents work during the day. At times he will whine a little bit, but he is pretty quiet. After the humans finish work, he goes back outside to go potty and switches between being chased in the backyard by the other dogs or snuggling with the humans on the couch. Ryder eats dinner and back in his kennel for bedtime.

Ryder is such a sweetheart and does great with people. He is typically really excited to give all the humans kisses when he sees them. Sometimes he will jump when excited, but overall is a very gentle guy.

He has not been exposed to children while in our home, but is a very sweet and a gentle guy like I mentioned. He is very good about sharing food, treats, and toys with the other dogs in the house and has not shown any resources guarding issues while he has been here.

I would describe Ryder as a pretty high energy dog. I mean, he is a husky after all! He has been getting out most of his energy by wrestling with the other dogs in the house. He is very smart and loves learning new tricks, so training has been another way to keep his mind active. Ryder is a great leash walker when he is by himself. If we take all the dogs, he does seem to want to be up front with everyone else and will pull a little bit.

Ryder loves other dogs! With all his energy, he sometimes needs reminders from the humans to take a break and let the other dog’s rest. I think he could play all day!  Ryder has not been exposed to cats while in our care.

When we leave the house, we crate Ryder. He doesn't mind his crate and will go in easy with a treat. We have not tried to let Ryder free roam when we leave, but when he has been out during the day he has not gotten into anything or chewed anything up. Once he gets settled into his forever home, this may be something that Ryder could do.

Ryder was treated with a round of antibiotics for Ehrlichia but does not show any active signs of infection. This was a preventative measure.

Ryder is an all around stand up dog! Everyone that meets him says that he is such a love. He is a dog that is just happy to have people to love on him and snuggle with him. Any family would be happy with him and all the husky fur that he brings to the table. He doesn't mind being brushed, so that helps with the fur but he does still shed quite a bit. Ryder can't wait to meet you!



