
Hound/Terrier Mix | male | 4 months Old | 37 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

Roy found his forever home on August 4, 2022!


Meet Roy! This little guy is such a great boy and is ready to find his forever home. He sleeps through the night in his crate, but like many typical puppies, sometimes gets up a little early so we can take him outside to quickly relieve himself. Once back inside he is usually good to head back into the crate to sleep until we are ready to start the day. Once up we head outside, have our breakfast and have a little play time before a nap.  

On days when I work from home, Roy gets a mix of spending time in his crate and having freedom in the house. When he has his freedom, he has been very good at entertaining himself with toys and choosing to nap in my home office. When he has chosen to pick up the occasional sock or slipper, a firm "no" and he leaves it alone and goes back to his toys. He definitely knows "no" and is very responsive to it. He is very well behaved for a 4 month old, he has his bursts of energy playing with toys and the other dogs and a walk or two a day, but otherwise is content just laying around.

Roy loves the outdoors! We spend a lot of time outside just watching the world go by and him grabbing whatever stick he can find. He has done so well at watching people and dogs walk by while just sitting and observing and not reacting. He also does well on a leash and riding in the car. He jumped in the car for the first time by himself this week!  Roy is also a big lover of all toys and chews, tug and of course breakfast, dinner and treats! He is very food motivated, which helps in training.

Roy is currently living with two foster dog sisters who he has a blast playing with and learning from. He has also resided with a cat for over a week with no issues. He has met a few other dogs as well, but has not yet had an opportunity to meet small children. Because we have two resident dogs, we do not yet know how Roy acts when left completely alone, but he is crated while our resident dogs are not and he is doing well in the crate.

Roy has started to meet more and more people and has enjoyed meeting some of those people, but has also been leery when meeting some others. We continue to introduce him to people everyday and his confidence is already building. It did take him a few days to warm up to feel comfortable with everyone in our household, but once he knew he could trust them, he was all in!  

This little guy loves to snuggle up next to his person and he is not afraid of showing you his love with a few kisses. Roy has an abundance of love to give and if you're lucky, you'll be one that gets to receive it.



