
pointer/terrier Mix | Female | 2 years old | 50 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good hiking buddy! ✔️ Expert cuddler! ✔️ Loves to learn new tricks! ✔️ Enjoys doggy daycare! ❌ No young kids! ❌ Needs to be only dog! ❌ Needs slow intros to new humans!

Pride is sponsored by Elizabeth & Fam!

Pride went home for the holidays on 12/18/2022!



We are continuing to try to work on commands with Pride. She gets along well with everyone in the family, as well as other dogs we meet on walks! She still dislikes walks around the neighborhood due to her fear of motorized vehicles, but when she’s in the woods, she’s happy. She gets the zoomies about twice a day and can be pretty hilarious when she is trying to get you to play with her. As she becomes more comfortable with us, she has also become more affectionate. All in all, she’s a fun dog!


Pride arrived in Wisconsin from Texas a whole year ago now! Having spent most of her puppyhood in foster care, she wants nothing more than a home and a human of her very own. This sweet, quiet, snuggly girl is looking for a partner in crime all day and a snuggle buddy all night. Pride spent most of her foster care journey downtown Madison, and this busy environment was not her scene. She's spent a few months in a quiet country home now and is thriving.

Now that Pride has had a chance to decompress and settle into a routine and grow into her confident self, we've learned quite a bit about her true personality. Pride has a very strong prey drive, and this makes her behavior around cats, dogs, chickens, and other small animals unpredictable. She has previously lived and interacted with other dogs, however, her play style can go from 0 to 100 very quickly and she has been known to have strong opinions about things she views as resources: never with humans, only around other animals. For this reason, we are strongly suggesting Pride be an only doggo.

On the other hand, Pride has a bit of an off-putting greeting style to new people. Meaning, she prefers to unleash her houndy bark on you until she's sure she can trust you. We work daily on her introductions to new humans, and she is making progress, but her woofy greetings can last for several minutes. She does not nuisance bark or have any separation anxiety, so living somewhere with shared walls would not be a problem for her, but if you have frequent visitors, this is also something to keep in mind. Once she's warmed up to a new person, she's their forever new best friend.

The most important quality in Pride's forever humans is a leader she can depend on. Pride spent much of her life trying to make decisions on her own, and this was very difficult for her. She is a strong, stubborn, Southern gal and if she doesn't want to do something, she's used to getting her own way! However, if the decision-making is left to her human rather than her, Pride loves letting her adventurous side shine! Long walks on nature trails are some of her favorite activities -- the more scent trails she can follow, the happier she is! Pride would love nothing more than to join you on your quest to explore every park and nature area!

All-in-all, Pride is a very easy-to-live-with companion once she comes to trust your leadership. She is always up for an adventure, but she's also content to spend a long day snuggled up on a bed, couch, in her crate, or any other comfy spot she can find. She still has puppy bursts of energy, but has grown out of any typical puppy behavior like accidents or snacking on your favorite shoes. She's more than happy to spend a day at home snoozing and keeping your spot warm before greeting you at the door at the end of your work day ready for an evening walk!



