Popsicle & Vanilla (Bonded Pair)

Miniature Poodles | 8 Years & 2 Years | Spayed Females | 9 LBs & 10 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Can free roam when humans are gone! ✔️ Good in the car! ✔️ Walks okay on leash ✔️ Could do well in an apartmment ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!

✅ Popsicle & Vanilla were found wandering together as strays; trying to separate them proved they are a bonded pair

The adoption fee for this pair is $450.

Poppi and Nilla are two little fluff balls that were found together as strays and were never claimed. Their ages and breed are just an estimate, but they are some type of nonshedding toy breed - maybe toy poodle or Bichon, or a mix. Poppi is older and more chill than Nilla, and Nilla is usually the one trying to get Poppi to play with her. Poppi is a very agreeable dog so she will oblige, but if Nilla is occupied with a different dog, Poppi will just putter around or rest.

Both girls get along great with people and other dogs. Nilla will bark at cats and sometimes at big dogs, but it’s more because she doesn’t know what to make of them and gets a little anxious, not because she is aggressive at all. They both love kids and are total lap dogs! They are fully potty trained and sleep in a pen together at night. They are perfectly quiet in their pen at night and when I leave, although Nilla will cry if she hears you are home and she can’t get to you.

Poppi and Nilla don’t need a ton of exercise but they do like to play together and chase each other in the yard. Nilla is fast and will get the zoomies even when Poppi can’t keep up. They can be a little scared of bigger, rougher dogs and will often stop playing if another dog tries to join in. They are both getting more confident about playing with my other dogs but definitely prefer the smaller ones.

To be totally honest, Poppi wouldn’t really care about being adopted separately from Nilla, but Nilla would be absolutely crushed. She adores her older sister and wants to be within eyesight of her at all times. It is always tough to find someone willing to adopt two dogs, but they are really hoping someone will open their home to both of them! They promise that size-wise, they add up to one small dog anyways :)



