
Mixed Breed | Female | 2 months Old | 14 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Adopted on March 6!

Penny and her puppy dog eyes are ready to find her forever family. She is sweet as can be, loves giving kisses and her favorite place to be is snuggling by her people.

Penny is a pretty typical, 9 week old puppy. She spends her days practicing crate training, playing with her foster siblings and emptying out the toy box. She plays hard but really loves to snuggle with the humans as the evening winds down.

Penny is a little timid when meeting new people but settled into our home quickly. With her foster people, she loves to snuggle on our laps or curl up next to (or on top of!) the other doggos. She is very young so I expect her to improve with meeting new people as she gets more practice. She has met a couple neighborhood kids. She was nervous/shaking while they petted her but not aggressive in anyway. Based on my observations, I think she would do fine with kids but would do best with kids that give her space and let her come to them when she is ready. She is a typical teething puppy and can be mouthy so would need to be supervised with any young kids until she learns those boundaries. She does redirect to toys fairly easily.

She currently has three other pups in her foster home; two adult dogs and another puppy about her same age. She plays mostly with the other puppy and they play like typical pups. She wants to be friends with the adult dogs but they are less interested. She does need some help remembering to give them some space when they would prefer she leave them alone. Overall she is pretty submissive with them and she does read the cues pretty well when they give her correction.

She has two kitties in her foster home and is interested/wants to play with the cats. She can be a little overzealous in her play attempts but with correction from the humans and cats alike, I think she could live with a cat. We do always suggest slow introductions and supervised interactions initially until everyone learns the appropriate boundaries.

Penny is a medium energy pup. She does well with a few zips around the house with the other pups and some play time but settles in with toys or snuggles on the couch. She will need some work on leash skills. She is a typical puppy that still bites the leash, wanders after leaves, zigs and zags, starts and stops so her adopters will need to work on those skills with her. She did attend a packwalk but due to her recent spay surgery didn't walk. She did however, do great being carried in a puppy carrier through the walk and enjoyed watching things around her. She has been getting lots of practice on car rides and does good in the car (crated).

Penny is crated when left alone. She is still a puppy and has tried chewing things like the corner of the rug, charging cords, pieces of stuff she finds on the floor, etc so she will need to be supervised. We are still working on crate training with Penny. She does pretty good overnight with just one break needed. During the day, she is crated near me while I work. If she is crated too far away she will whine and cry so we are building up to being crated further away from me gradually. She will also have accidents in the crate so she will need breaks every two hours or so and continued practice being crated away from her people. She is currently being treated for a UTI so I am hopeful that that will help with accidents once resolved. Potty training is going pretty good if we keep her on a schedule. She loves being outside and exploring in the yard.

Penny has been a super fun pup to have in our home. She is sweet, affectionate and would be a great addition to a lower key family with the time to invest in potty/crate training and helping Penny build some confidence to become her very best self.



