
Dachshund Mix | male | 1 Year Old | 18 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Housebroken! ❌ Working on leash manners! ❌ Working on potty training!

Paul found his forever home on July 5, 2022!



Paul had a little bit more time out of his kennel recently as I had the week off.. We got into a routine of taking him out potty more often or putting him in his kennel when I couldn't fully watch him. We’re still working on getting Paul 100% potty trained.

Paul’’s itching has improved slightly. He’s on a different flea and tick med to cover any external parasites we may not be aware of and we also started a steroid as well as continuing the shampoo and a lower dose of Benadryl. Steroids can cause increased urination so I am making sure I routinely take him out. If the itching doesn't fully go away, I'm going to move on to changing his food to rule out a food allergy.

Paul is still working on his leash manners. I have switched my hours at work so I will have more time to work on this, I also plan to get some different tools this current week to work on that. We’re working on his dog reactivity every walk we take. He is improving with this issue.

Lastly, he now runs right into his kennel. He loves his peanut butter kong that he gets when he is in his kennel! He still barks/whines in his kennel when left alone. Overall he is a great little dog with a lot of personality once he opens up to you! He is a super easy little dog and I really enjoy fostering him!


During the work week, we get up a 5AM and go outside potty. Then Paul eats and relaxes on the couch or in his kennel. He is quiet in there if he can see me and my other dogs. We then go for a 10-minute walk to go potty before I head to work. He goes into his kennel with a peanut butter kong, he remains in there for about 7-8 hours until my husband gets home from work. They go potty and eat dinner at about 5 pm. I get home around 7:30PM and we go for another 10–20-minute walk and he gets another frozen peanut butter kong. Around 8:30PM he gets his last potty break and then we head to bed. I have been allowing him to sleep in bed but he does do well in a kennel next to the bed. Again if he can't see me he barks all night.

Paul is shy around new people but if they get down to his level he will warm up to them. He met a couple kids about a week or 2 ago and really enjoyed them. Otherwise he has not had any other exposure to kids.

At first his energy level was low but once he started coming out of his shell, he has become a medium high energy pup. I have 2 dogs that are high energy so he may just feed off of that. I usually walk him 2 times per day and he goes for runs on the weekends with me. (~2-3 miles). He seems to have very little exposure to being on a leash so he will need some work with that. I have tried out several harnesses but because of his size they don't fit incredibly well so he gets tangled up quite a bit.

Our 2 dogs were a life saver with building up his confidence. I think he would benefit from having another dog in the house especially a confident one. Outside the home and on a leash, he barks at other dogs. I think he just wants to go see them and play but I haven't actually let him do that so I'm not 100% sure.

He didn't seem to really notice our cats at first but now he just likes to sniff them and overall leaves them alone.

If Paul is by our other dogs in his kennel, he whines and barks at first but then settles in with his kong and eventually falls asleep. I do have a doggy camera so I can watch him. Given the fact that he can be quite vocal, I recommend he go to a home without shared walls.

He may be better off with a more experienced owner because he is so incredibly nervous at the start. He will also need a good training foundation-we will do what we can while we have him but an owner who has a knack for nervous pups would probably be best!

Paul also seems to have allergies/itchy skin. I have been using benedryl and a shampoo from the vet and that seems to be helping with these issues.

Overall Paul is a great little dog! He loves to snuggle once he trusts you and he loves the couch! It seems to be his safe place. He is still warming up to my husband so he does occasionally bark at him but he is slowly getting there.



