
German Shepherd | 11 Weeks Old | Male | 16 lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Potty training in progress! ✔️ Crate training in progress! ✔️ Good in the car!


Check out a video of Otto here!

Otto typically wakes up between 4:00am-6:00am, anything before 6:00am, he goes potty and then back into the crate. He has quite a bit of energy and will play with the resident dog till breakfast. More playing then he goes into an exercise pen or heads to the office with me depending on if I’m working from home or in the office. He will play by himself and have a morning nap. He has lunch around noon followed by a big play session. He will repeat the morning with solo play and nap. Otto will usually play a little in the afternoon to get energy out so I can finish the work day. Early evening is a lot of play with the resident dog. Dinner, nap, little play, bedtime is how the last couple of hours of his day go. Of course, there are plenty of potty breaks throughout the day.

Bathroom: morning, noon, and evening poops as well as post-meal poops. An average day is 4-6. He goes out to potty after he wakes up, has a big play with resident dog, or eats.

Sleep: Otto has a pretty good routine of sleeping from 9:00-10:00pm till 4:00-6:00am. Will have 3-4 2ish hour naps throughout the day as well.

Meals: (give or take 30 minutes) 6:30am, 12:30pm, 6:30pm. Meal size just increased via vet recommendations. Was 2/3 cup per meal but is increasing to 3/4 cup per meal.

Otto has not yet been neutered. He will be adopted out with an adoption addendum agreement to get neutered at a later date.



