
Catahoula Leopard Dog | 2 Years Old | FemALe | 44 lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Okay with other dogs! ✔️ Good in the car! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Crate trained! 🤔Unknown with cats 🤔 Unknown with kids 😀 Friendly

Check out videos of Molly here!

Molly has a zest for life and meeting humans that is unmatched. She has not met anyone that she doesn't like and longs to get as much adventure time and pets as her owner can give her! While she has a lot of energy at times, she also does extremely well calming down when there aren't a ton of people around. She would do very well with someone who wants a work from home buddy!

She has currently been living in an apartment and has done really well, but also would be very happy in a house with a backyard to get a bit more exercise and outside time.

Crate trained (Yes)
Potty Trained (Yes)
Exercise: One longer walk per day (2+ miles), plus outside potty time
Likes: ice cubes, kongs filled with peanut butter, cuddling with humans (does NOT think she is a lap dog though and will lie next to you), looking out the window, car rides
Dislikes: veggies, not being able to say Hi to other dogs when she is on a leash (will bark occasionally)
Interactions with other animals have gone well when they are allowed to freely play in a backyard
Loves all people and gets VERY excited when meeting new friends, hasn't met any kids or cats yet

Molly is overall an incredible pup and is so excited to find her forever home!



