
Terrier Mix | Female | 2 Years Old | 41 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Loves to cuddle! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in the car! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!


Lucy showing off her tricks!

Lucy in her pajamas

Lucy sweetly snoring


Lucy aka “Luce McGoose” aka “Little Girl” is the sweetest, most cuddly, most affectionate little pocket-sized girl who had to face some unfortunate challenges early on in her life. When her rescuer found her in Oklahoma, she was abandoned and tied to a pole, sitting out in the rain and cold. Lucy clearly faced experiences where she learned that not all humans are kind and loving. For this reason, she has developed a fear of meeting new people. She has also had to adjust to a lot of moving around over the last year between rescues, states, dog sitters, and foster homes.

Thankfully, Lucy found some stability over the past four months with her current fosters as she completed treatment for heartworm. During that time, we’ve been able to watch her blossom into the dog she was always meant to be. Hiding under that sometimes crusty exterior is an extremely sweet, loving, loyal, and obedient dog. Lucy absolutely adores her people, lives to give and receive affection, and is happy whether she’s sleeping on your lap or entertaining herself with toys. She transforms from a dog that you might be nervous to approach into a dog that will allow you to kiss every square inch of her face, pick her up to hold like a baby, and sleep with as much of her body touching yours as possible.

Lucy’s favorite part of the day is coming out of her crate in the morning to snuggle into the blankets on the bed. She also enjoys watching critters outside, snatching dryer sheets out of the laundry basket, and going on car rides. She LOVES working on training and has learned lots of tricks, but her favorite is “play dead”! (Check out the video of her performing this trick!)

Due to low activity restrictions, Lucy hasn’t been able to do much walking/playing in the last 4 months, but certainly loved it before and has shown a lot of interest in doing so. She is almost free from those restrictions! Despite being restricted, Lucy was very well-behaved during that time and would be considered a medium-energy dog. She would definitely make a great adventure buddy and then spend the rest of the day sleeping next to you while you go for a post-hike beer or read a book on the couch!

Lucy would be happiest in a home without children or other pets. Due to activity restrictions, she has been unable to practice introductions with many new people, other animals, or children. We have high hopes that as she is able to get more exercise, these things will become much easier to work on.

Lucy deserves a loving home of her own where she will receive the same dedication, love, and patience she has shown in her four months of being on restrictions in her foster home. She is truly one of the most resilient, vibrant, sweet, and funny dogs we have ever had the pleasure of getting to know and will be greatly missed in her foster home!



