
terrier/mastiff Mix | male | 4 months Old | 38 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good running buddy!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Some separation anxiety


Congrats to Lucas on his adoption October 24, 2020!

Lucas has relaxing days with his foster mom working from home. He wakes up around 7am from his crate and goes outside quickly. He snuggles in bed for an hour with foster mom. Breakfast for him is around 9 am. He loves playing with toys! He is learning to play fetch with a tennis ball! He usually tries to hang out in the yard at noon! From 12:30-3 pm Lucas goes to the neighbors to hang out with their dog! He LOVES other dogs! Then he goes back home for a quick nap before dinner! Then we run around inside the house! Lucas enjoys hanging out and playing with toys. From about 8-11 pm Lucas is usually asleep on the couch! Then one more stop outside and to his crate for the evening. He is the sweetest boy who is working on his confidence!

He has not met kids while in foster care.  Lucas tends to be nervous meeting new humans. He usually barks but warms up to them.  Lucas is working hard on meeting new people and increasing his confidence.

Lucas tends to do fine playing inside to burn off energy but he may need more walks as he gets older. He’s small enough that he can run off his energy in the house! He gets a little scared of noises on his walks. He does well in the yard around the house. He does okay on the leash. He always wants to run back to the house quickly after a good run.

Lucas has not been around a cat.

He does great in the crate. I’ve only left him for max of 4 hours during the day.  Lucas sleeps in his crate all night and does well.

Lucas loves to be by his humans and always checks where they might be. He tends to look back on walks for reassurance. Lucas loves snuggling in the morning for a few hours but likes his time in his crate at night! Lucas is such a sweet boy who always wags his tail in the morning and runs to you if he is nervous! He is a loyal boy who will give his heart and soul, when he knows he is safe!

He will be a good protector but is a gentle soul. Lucas has started to hit the chewing stage and is now getting big enough to try to put his front paws on the counters, we are working on that. 97% potty trained. He has an occasional accident when I miss his signals to go outside. He is still learning the ropes on walks. He would do better with other dogs and maybe in a fenced in yard where he feels safer. Lucas currently enjoys the country life so there are lots of weird noises.



