Little Jr

German Shepherd Mix | male | 5 Years Old | 78 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good in the car! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good running buddy! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ❌ No cats!


Check out videos of Little Jr here & here!

Little Jr LOVES:

-- going for car rides (and he's great in the car!)

-- sleeping in a bed with a person

-- catching treats that are tossed in the air

-- stuffies that squeak or crinkle

-- going on walks (he'd probably also enjoy runs!)

-- chasing squirrels and rabbits

-- gallumphing up and down stairs (sounds like a horse falling)

-- "booping" your butt when he walks up behind you

Little Jr does not:

-- rip up stuffies even when he’s playing energetically with them

-- drink out of toilets

-- sniff your crotch

-- love water on his body

-- love mops or canes

-- react to birds

-- love cats

A few more notes about what makes Little Jr special:

-- He takes treats SO gently and politely from fingers!

-- He is able to spend time in the crate but after 2 months here, we trust him to just free roam in the house while we’re gone, knowing that he’ll spend most of his time waiting by the front door for us to come home.

--He enters a room like Kramer from Seinfeld – crashing through the door and sometimes skittering across wood floors, limbs flailing.

--He would do best with an experienced dog owner who understands anxiety in dogs.

--He would be an incredibly loyal guard dog

--We don't know much about his history or specific age, but a DNA test showed that he is 31% German Shepherd, 19% Pit Bull, 17% Staffordshire Terrier and 17% Golden Retriever



