
Boston Terrier Mix | Female | 2 Years Old | 35 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Loves to snuggle! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in the car! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!


Lita wakes up in her crate when we get up and goes out for potty, usually around 6 am. After breakfast, she plays with a toy or two from our large selection. She hangs out with the resident dog while the foster is gone for a few hours in the morning, free-roaming and napping. She loves her mid-morning walk through fields and around the neighborhood, greeting the neighbors as they pass by. Lita is friendly and wants to meet everyone along the way. She greets them with a tail wag and sometimes a big kiss. On one of our walks, a long-haired cat sat on the sidewalk, and Lita just walked on by. To be sure she saw the kitty, I walked back, and Lita stared curiously and then walked on. Squirrels, on the other hand, get her attention and excitement. Given the chance, she would chase one up the tree and try to climb it herself. After her first walk and a mid-day snack, such as a pizzle or frozen plain yogurt, she plays with toys or a good tug of war with her rope toy. She settles in for an afternoon nap until our late afternoon walk. Supper is usually around 4:30-5 pm. She hangs out with the fosters in the evening, sometimes running errands in the car or just snuggling. After potty around 8:30 pm, she settles in her crate with a dental chew and sleeps until morning.

Lita is a very easy, spayed, 2-year-old pup. She doesn't get into things she shouldn't and barks only if a dog is passing by the window. Going on walks, snuggling with humans, and playing with her favorite toys and dog-friendly chews make up her day. She loves being outdoors and would make a good hiker or running buddy.

Lita recently completed heartworm treatment. At her recent vet, a low-grade heart murmur was detected, which may require further work-up after she's farther out from her heartworm treatment, or may just be a baseline for Lita. Her heart murmur doesn't limit her activities and is asymptomatic.

Lita has a cracked tooth; there was no pulp exposure observed at the vet visit, and due to recent her heartworm treatment, Lita cannot undergo a dental procedure with anesthesia for six months. Based on the rest of her teeth, though, dental follow up is not recommended for the next 1-2 years.



